Longtime Exposure Photography at the Traunfall - Waterfall

in waterfall •  6 months ago 

The “Traunfall” is a nice waterfall at the River „Traun“ in Upper Austria. It has a length of about 200 meters and the water falls down from a hight of 12 meters. The speciality of this Waterfall is that the waterline of the waterfall doesn’t align with the river in a straight way but in an diagonal way. This is very seldom on waterfalls especially on smaller ones. I visited this nice waterfall together with a friend of mine on 1st of May wich is a national holiday in Austria.

Longtime Exposure of the Traunfall. Picture: Florian Glechner.

Camera usedNikon D5100
Lens usedNikor 18-105mm lens
Filter usedLee 10 Stops
Exposure Time30 Seconds
Aperture usedF13
Focal Length18 mm
Time01:37 pm

Now and back then
In former times the Traunfall was a natural barrier for ships to move from one part of the river to the other. But in 1311 they built a channel to make the Traunfall passable with ships. Now the Traunfall is used as an energy supply for 2 water power plants, one is built directly obove the Traunfall and one underneath. Because of the water power plant the water above the Plant rose some meters and now there is a small water reservoir above the power plant. You can drive with a fisherboat over the water reservoir and see an old pumphouse wich is now underneath the water because of the dam and the higher water level.


Camera usedNikon D5100
Lens usedNikor 18-105mm lens
Filter usedLee 10 Stops
Exposure Time30 Seconds
Aperture usedF13
Focal Length18 mm
Time01:37 pm

Longtime Exposure of the Traunfall. For this picture you need to climb down a path with an iron rope, and position yourself at a rock. Picture: Florian Glechner

Power of the Water

You can really see the power of the water at the Traunfall on different places of the waterfall, depending on the amount of water flowing over it. For me it was a very interesting trip because I like water and the power that comes from it. And I also like what you can do with a Neutral density filter to prolong the expsosure to create this silky water Effects on the pictures.

Longtime Exposure of the Traunfall. Picture: Florian Glechner.

Camera usedNikon D5100
Lens usedNikor 18-105mm lens
Filter usedLee 10 Stops
Exposure Time30 Seconds
Aperture usedF13
Focal Length18 mm
Time01:37 pm

Longtime Exposure of the Traunfall. Picture: Florian Glechner.

Camera usedNikon D5100
Lens usedNikor 18-105mm lens
Filter usedLee 10 Stops
Exposure Time30 Seconds
Aperture usedF13
Focal Length18 mm
Time01:37 pm
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