Where AZ Central states the following; "Conspiracy theory that President Trump is working to expose high-ranking officials and celebrities involved in a child sex-trafficking ring." Interesting isn't it how THAT was the Exact phrasing the C*a used back in the day during yet Another Iconic Presidency when dark forces shielded and harbored by the nefarious in these "intelligence" agencies conspired to to take out a Great President.
Remember while JFK was alive he vowed to, "Splinter the C_a into a thousand pieces and scatterer them in the winds?" So is it Any Wonder this corrupt org who stands to loose Everything if they are fully Exposed would call those Exposing them names? Verified in their own C^a declass that was the term.
So I say Conspiracy YES. ..Theory? Let the people decide rather than calling them NAMES!
Taken from this post on Wayfair alleged child sex trafficking where FB once again censored Truth exposing predators,
See a video report on this here,
Vid report
A decorated U.S. Marine Corps Officer has
been relieved of command forced to
undergo a mental health check and is
being threatened with a court martial
after posting a video demanding
accountability from senior leadership
over the withdrawal in Afghanistan
last Thursday after 13 service members
and over 100 civilians were killed
following an attack at the Kabul airport.
Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller posted
a video on Facebook sharing his grief
and frustration
in the video he
called on military
leadership to take accountability for
the strategic decision to abandon Bagram
Air Base and leave Afghanistan without
evacuating civilians first.
Here's a clip
from that video
so in the current fallout of Afghanistan
a lot of marines were posted on social
media and in response to that the
commandant published a letter which is
the service chief of the marine corps.
What I'll say is from my position,
potentially all those people did die in
vain if we don't have senior leaders
that own up and
raise their hand and say
we did not do this well in the end
without that we just keep repeating the
same mistakes this amalgamation of the
economic slash
corporate slash
political slash higher military ranks
are not
holding up their end of the bargain
I want to say this very strongly
I have been fighting for 17 years
I am willing to throw it all away to say
to my senior leaders
I demand accountability.
Lt. Colonel Scheller said he had time to think about it and
went on to say. . . "we can't all be
wrong if you all agree then step up they
only have the power because we allow it
what if we all demanded accountability!
Then Lt. Col. Stuart cited Thomas Jefferson
stating every generation needs a
Now two days later another video
appeared this time titled your move
where the lieutenant colonel retired is
commissioned from the marines after 17
years of service and forfeited his
retirement which he was only three years
away from
after 17 years
I'm currently not pending legal action
and I could stay in the marine corps for
another three
years but I don't think that's the path
I'm on.
I'm resigning my commission as a united
states marine effective now I
but I am forfeiting my retirement on
entitlements I don't want a single
dollar I don't want any money from the
VA I don't want any VA benefits.
I'm sure
I'm entitled to a hundred percent I
you know breathed on the smell and smoke
of burning [you know what]
for years
I don't want any of it
you know i asked
all I asked for
was accountability of my senior leaders
when there are clear obvious mistakes
that were made.
Just like a bunch of Narcissists!
Beware, use headphones for little ears as this is filled with language.
I share because he bringsto light what we have all spent decades trying to shine a light on for decades now.
I never endorse name calling, I simply find what can be learned from everyone!
Not to mention the comments, are Oh so telling where you can see those who are hoodwinked into the narrative and those who actually are always #TestingTheNarrative
Bill Hicks on the JFK Assassination
Facebook Frames It's Going to be BIBLICAL!
How long before Mathematically Impossible?
It's Time to take a trip down the rabbit hole. . .where do they all go, the missing children?
Facebook Frames Questions about container shipping. Which family built up Ports and how does it all connect to Ept$in?*
Facebook Frames the Presser that will Go Down in History President Trump Asked about Q movement and the theory of him secretly saving the world form a satanic cult of pedophiles and cannibals!.