The challenge of “The Way of an artist “ is when you wake up in the morning, writing 3 pages in a notebook or around 400 words on your phone .
Write everything that comes out. It can be anything, it does not have to make sense, just what’s coming out, it's a good way to clear your thoughts, practice writing, look into the inside and develop as an artist.
Yea let this day start cuz I started again , last night was hardcore, almost lost my mind but now I’m back on the ground . I believe in my self , even tho I should have all the reasons not to. I open my eyes and I see my self everywhere it’s all me inside and outside , I feel heavy and dumb , slow , sick , tired , I love changes , if something remains the same it kills me , always changes .
I believe in my self because no matter how many times I fail , I also made it few times , and when I did made a huge transformation, will do it again , I have the strength to do it , I have the desire to do it . I sounder what you readers might think of me , that I’m a crackhead or something , the truth is that I take one day at a time .
I can be very weak against my temptations .
So I start again , it’s crazy how we wake up almost new , last night I was an extraterrestrial and poff human again .
Giving all I can and leaving my comfort zone might be the hardest thing in the world , but the thing is I don’t want to remain a piece of shit for the rest of my life , so the first steps are the hardest and then the wheels will just roll.
Someone told me that if it’s easy then your probably going down hill, and if it’s difficult your probably going up hill, and I find it to be true .
I wonder why everything I write in this challenge is about straggling, I hope one day soon I’ll write about prosperity and surplus.
I hope to be above all this earthly calculations and I wish to live with the flow of the heart.
Everyday is different from the day before tho if I didn’t pass that stage I’ll return to the same problems till I’ll find solutions. If I’ll repeat the same mistakes I’ll always receive the same outcomes.
What I’ve got to do differently today?
Just to be stronger and less appropriated by instant pleasures.
Sometimes I feel like a ball of pleasure that must be popped all of the time , if for a minute it’s not full I go crazy .
Just have to wonder what happens in between it all , take a moment to breathe , time is not running out , so relax , everything is going to be alright , there is no rush , just now , it’s okay to be who I am , “ because it really doesn’t matter if I’m wrong or right , where I belong I’m right “ I feel after all this crap that I am where I need to be , and again to remember to put things in proportion. “Remember why you came here , remember our life is sacred “ remember that I am on this plant , that is full of so much , and that we are in this giant galaxy, and that everything in this creation is interconnected, and remember there is love in this life , and there is life to be lived . Open my heart once again , move slowly from the core , small moves of breaking out from a Stoney shell , every tiny movement requires a lot of effort , the secret is to get into momentum, so keep on moving , not looking back .