Islamic dua or Wazifa for successful pregnancy

in wazifa •  4 years ago 

Giving birth to a baby is such a beautiful feeling in this world. After all, it’s a sign of your true love. However, ladies often feel stressed out or get panic when the delivery time is nearer. During such times, reciting Islamic dua or Wazifa for successful pregnancy can make things a little lighter & comfortable for you.

Many women are fearful of mishaps like miscarriage or pregnancy complications. You may also go through extreme anxiety, stress, and experience frequent sadness. First of all, It is all common during pregnancy. Mood gets up and down due to no reason. So, do not get stressed out much.

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Rather, engage your mind in some other good activities. You can pray Islamic dua or Wazifa for successful pregnancy. This will give you an inner strength to face the delivery. You will start feeling more peaceful & relaxed than before. Those bad anxieties & stress will soon be gone.

So, how to perform this powerful islamic dua or wazifa?

● Recite regularly, “Rabbi inaka dhara adua kareem shinaka sulah yamen”
● If translated, this means as I quote ahead, Ya allah, the listener of every dua, please bestow upon me a pious & healthy child. Show your mercy on me.
● Thereafter, you should perform some other important duas. That is, you have to recite duas that are related to ensuring successful pregnancy.
● All these duas are meant to protect your newborn baby. Also, they are good at easing your pregnancy pain.
● After that, you have to recite Surah Luqman for proper development of your child.
● Then, recite Surah Yusuf for reducing your labor pains.
● Lastly, reciting Surah Mariam will give you a beautiful child.

You can also perform these duas to get conceived in the first place. Just make sure that you perform this dua once your pregnancy is over. As once they are over, you are generally full of energy. Which can make this dua or wazifa effective for you.

So, this is how you are supposed to recite Islamic dua or Wazifa for successful pregnancy regularly. You will surely be able to give birth to a beautiful baby like you. Just stay calm, relaxed, and composed. Recite the dua as stated above. Contact our Molvi Ji if you face any difficulties reciting it. You will be directed with the right paths.

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