in we •  7 years ago 

There are four ways to keep the Human Being Controlled: Ignorant,fearing,hungry and feeling guilty (stressed,desperate and not knowing what to do)....And,only one way to be released: Knowing the TRUTH...And,the TRUTH is what We have come to bring...Do You want to know her and Be FREE? You must be strong,courageous and love yourself,above all things,and your neighbor as God himself....Because,if You do not know how to love yourself,You can not love your neighbor,and if You do not love your neighbor You do not love who created him...You do not have to worry about how to do it...The Angel Of LOVE,The Ángel Of LIGHT,The Ángel Of Justice,The Angel Of PEACE and The Ángel Of TRUTH...They have come to guide You and this time You achieve it in time...They would teach what the Law Of The Creator exactly and truly teaches....In fact...We have already started.AA89C91B-C9B5-436C-85FA-E390A1C4A444.gif

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