Story of my life :DsteemCreated with Sketch.

in wealth •  8 years ago  (edited)

Hello everybody
nice to met you. :)

I hope my english does not sound bad. :D

My name is Andreas.
I come from Austria.
I was born in 28/10/1993 in Austria, Carinthia, Klagenfurt.
When i was 8 months old, i started walking, it was very hard but i did it. xD
I even dont know something about my 1st birthday, i think 100 % of all people dont know something about their 1st birthday. xD
With 3 years i went with to Kindergarden. I stayed there 3 years.
With the age of 6 years i went to elementary school. I stayed there 4 years. After elementary school i went to secondary school.
I also stayed there 4 years.
After secondary School i went to institution of higher education for structural engineering. I stayed there 5 years.
I finished school with an age of 19.
After school you have to go to the federal army in Austria.
I stayed there for a half of a year.
Now i am 23 years old.
Currently I work in a statics office since 2,5 years.
It is not the best job but you need to stay alive, thats why i am doin

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herzlich willkommen bei steemit!, happy posting

Hallo danke bin erst seit heute dabei :)
kannst du mir vlt. behilflich sein ?
wie funktioniert das genau mit der cryptowährung von steem ?
wie bekommt man die ?

bin auch erst seit heute dabei :) je nachdem wie beliebt dein post ist kriegst du STEEM, Steem Power und Steem Dollars , ich lese gerade im FAQ aber ist mir auch nicht 100% klar soweit

Hey Danke für die Antwort :)
Ich muss mich da auch noch genauer einlesen.