in wealth •  7 years ago 

I mostly in my workshops stand among the audience and hold up a $200bill, state that I am wiling to give it away, and ask if is there anyone who would like to have it.
Most of them raise their hands – and wait for me to go to them and the can collect it. I keep waiving the bill until someone finally jumps out of his or her chair, walks or runs to the stage and reaches up to get the bill.
There are two lessons here. One is that money goes to the person who takes the necessary action. The other is that a certain state of consciousness makes it possible to take action – or to avoid it.
When I inquired those who don’t walk to claim the money, I always get the same replies: they felt shy; they were confused about what other people will think or they thought it was a trick. Those answers come from a consciousness dominated by fear, scarcity, and pessimism.
Have an eye on Your Conversations
It normally happens you conduct meetings, phone someone or send an email, you start up a conversation. It also happens whenever you jot something down in your diary or note book or just take a few minutes to sit and think, you open a conversation with yourself. Whenever you listen to music or start reading a book, you begin a conversation with an author. Consider the collective effect of those conversations. We are the average of the five people with whom we spend most of our time. The quality of our conversations creates the quality of our lives.
Do you take seriously those 5 people who govern your communication in your day to day life? Do you consider what you speak before those people? And do your words create your prosperity consciousness or destroy it?
Connect with Prosperity Conversations
Spend more time with the people who are already doing the kind of work you want to do. Ask them how they entered the field and what it takes to succeed.
In addition, read at least one book per week. Focus on motivational stories and biographies of successful people. Read more and learn ways to build your skills at managing money, raising happy children, creating loving relationships, and maintaining your health. Keep on feeding positive stuff in your mind it would play the most pivotal role in your prosperity.
Catch Your Dreams
Has it ever been with you that you discussed your idea with someone who multiplied your abilities to realize it? It has happened with M. Victor Hasen when he took his first book Chicken Soup for the Soul to the publisher. Hansen inquired him how many books he expected to trade.
The publisher responded that they would be contented enough to sell 20,000 books.
That was not his dream! He said he expected to sell one hundred and fifty thousand books in six months and in one and half year 1.5 million.
His publisher just smiled broadly and said it was not possible. Victor succeeded in selling 135,000 books in half a year and 1.3 million in one and half a year. He did not completely meet his initial target, but could sell much more than publisher had thought. That first book went on to sell over eight million copies in America and 10 million copies around the world.
Whenever you have a dream-killing conversation, you have two options. Quit dreaming or get back to your real intention with far more energy and commitment. Sticking to your unusual intention sends an urgent message to your mind: I am going to keep on until my dream manifests.

Put back
See yourself sharing your wealth with the people you think they deserve. There are so many rich people in the world who share their 10 percent income as charity for their satisfaction.
Your action will generate the feeling of giving. And it is quite obvious that whatsoever we give we receive, like giving smile or sympathetic words. If you're ready to jump-start your life, make more money, and have more fun and joy in all that you do.

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