Day 4 #WEALTHChallenge 💎 L is for Leadership

in wealthchallenge •  8 years ago  (edited)

Hello Steemians,

Day 4 of the Challange is here and today we are talking about Leadership.

When I started the challenge I wanted to do quick videos each day to summaries the blog post, however all videos were longer than 2 minutes as I wanted to put in all the information, so I will do videos after the challenge and keeping them short and sweet looking at just one topic. This is one of my key takeaways from doing this.


Leadership for me is:
*taking responsibility for your actions
*doing what you say and saying what you've done

This can be applied in any area of your life: work, personal life, entrepreneurship journey, etc.

1. Taking responsibility for your actions

I see so many being afraid of taking control of their life and it's not their fault. We've learned this behavior throughout our whole life. When we were little when something wrong happened, we had our parents to tells us what to do and how to do it. Later on, we had teachers telling us what to do, and so on.

If you want to see RESULTS in your life, you will have to take risks and things might not go as planned. All you have to do is learn those lessons and move on. This time you will have better know-how. Failure is a blessing, dwelling on failure and complaining about it will not help you get those results.

2. Doing what you say and saying what you've done

This is another area that you can UPGRADE. If you've ever cough yourself saying that you are going to do something and then weeks passed and you've done nothing, then you'll understand why you are where you are. Change only happens through ACTION and not intention. I know a lot of people, telling me that they are going to so many amazing things, however in reality they like to binge watch TV and eat their crisps. And that's ok to, but it's not going to help you achieve your dreams.

Those were my two nuggets of Leadership.

If you like the posts, let me know in the comment section below.

Love & Light,

Get in touch:
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter: @JoannaAxinte, @weworkout365

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