Day 6 #WEALTHChallenge πŸ’Ž H is for Harmony

in wealthchallenge β€’Β  8 years agoΒ  (edited)

Hi Steemians,

Hope you are ready for the final step of the #WEALTHChallenge to achieve your RESULTS and this is HARMONY.


I've made it my priority to start my day with the following for my morning routine:
*150ml water
*20-30 minutes exercise
*5 min appreciation
*5 min visualization for results

It doesn't take too long and in 30 to 40 minutes you set yourself up for the day.



Have you ever experienced how you feel and what you think when rushing to get somewhere? Then look back at days where you took your time to get to a meeting / work. If you can see the difference then giving yourself 30 minutes in the morning it's not a big deal and this can also count as time for yourself.

For my five minutes appreciation ritual I use the following technique:
1.Simply shift your awareness from brain to heart
2.Slow your breathing (5 sec exhale & inhale) - feeling of being in a safe place
3.Feel the feeling that creates 0.1hertz: appreciation, gratitude, care, love & compassion (It takes up to three days for the brain to create new networks)


If emotions is energy in motion will not only keep you grounded throughout the day, but will also help you when you find yourself in challenging situations.

Say goodbye to Resistance and welcome the FLOOOOW!

Love & Light,

Would love to hear from you:
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter: @JoannaAxinte, @weworkout365

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