The Silent War: Weather Manipulation

Weaponized Warfare: When will it end?


After reading an extensive and well-documented article on Steemit entitled Weather Manipulation and Asymmetric Wars - Has the weather been weaponised? The HAARP Array. by @tremendospercy, I couldn't help but to add a few of my own thoughts on the subject of Weather Manipulation (or Weather Warfare as some would call it) along with additional excellent resources covering and exposing the subject at hand.

A few excerpts from the article mentioned above:

Over the past few years we have seen increasingly extreme weather events. All across the world people are feeling the effects of hurricanes, heat waves/droughts, flash flooding or forest fires with seemingly no end in site.
Is this really the effect of the man-made climate change narrative the MSM are trying to get us to buy into at the behest of their corporate and governmental masters?
Or is it the result of a different kind of man-made climate change? One in which the weather has been harnessed as a weapon that is being used for sinister purposes?


This is perhaps the single greatest threat facing humanity. I think if we fail to act collectively against this nefarious agenda, we will all be living in a toxic world were life will cease to be sustainable.

An excellent video interview from SGTReport with guest Deborah Tavares

It's a bit long, but a must watch as Mrs. Tavares is very well spoken and has conducted a lot of research and on-the-ground investigation about the subject, including how countless towns and cities across America have specific agendas to implement these nefarious policies.

Watch ROTHSCHILD GENOCIDE: INNOVATING THE POPULATION TO ZERO -- Deborah Tavares which is packed with tangible references on the subject matter at hand:

Resources / Articles from State of the Nation website:

Globalist Governor Jerry Brown Using FIREGEDDON To Push Fraudulent Climate Change Legislation.
Relentless Acts of Geoterrorism in California Perpetrated by Shadow Government to Compel Compliance with UN Agenda 21 and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development...There’s no place like L.A. and especially Hollywood to stage a world-captivating drama. This is what the globalists do whenever they need the perfect set to produce a show that’s necessary to fear-monger and bamboozle the entire planetary civilization. Let’s face it: there’s simply no greater boogeyman than the Global Climate Change beast. It was fabricated by TPTB in order to implement the final phase of the New World Order agenda, and especially to foist a One World Government upon the world community of nations. Read more... and see Photos.


There is nothing more sacred to the New World Order agenda than the covert plan to establish a One World Government. The ultimate goal of that misguided agenda is to completely own and manage all natural resources on planet Earth, as well to control the weather around the globe—24/7. This game plan also includes controlling all human resources, of course. Read more...

New World Order: Where Geoengineering Via Chemtrails Meets The Global Carbon Control Matrix
One World Government Initially Emerging As Global CO2 ‘Management’ Regime
Ultimately, it’s all about exerting absolute power and control over every square inch of Planet Earth and its atmosphere. There is an ongoing, covert and meticulously planned plot afoot that is being implemented 24/7 worldwide. It goes way beyond Agenda 21 in scope, but uses that UN plan to accomplish its goals. This clandestine agenda is being executed in order to impose a new global CO2 ‘management’ regime. Doing so is the penultimate step in securing complete control over all of Earth’s natural resources and atmosphere. Read more...

Relentless Chemtrail Spraying and HAARP-manufactured weather events radically alter California’s climate. The purpose of this exposé is to reveal the evidence, some scientific and some anecdotal, which indicates that this historic and unprecedented drought has been literally engineered from start to finish. Read more...

From The Millennium Report website:

When photos speak beyond words - here are some of their photos that show the impossibility of such fires occurring in a natural way:


SANTA ROSA, CA – OCTOBER 11: Hundreds of homes in the Coffey Park neighborhood that were destroyed by the Tubbs Fire on October 11, 2017 in Santa Rosa, California.


Josh Edelson/AFP/Getty Images


Perhaps what amazes me most about all this is the stunning absence of outrage by the fire-fighting communities and citizens of California (and the rest of the world for that matter). It is quite obvious for anyone with a functioning brain and a smidgen of critical thinking ability that this is weaponized warfare.

Are they afraid to speak out? How can they stand for this?

If cities and towns across California have been putting up with this without much resistance, what horrible fate awaits countless other cities in the USA and around the world?

Directed Energy Weapons


There's also a lot of documented evidence that Directed Energy Weapons were used in the California Wildfires (and elsewhere) Here are a few links to articles on the subject:

Not only a phenomenon in California/USA but also across Europe as can be demonstrated by some recent posts of citizens documenting similar weather warfare tactics being employed in countries such as France:

Thankfully, Steemit user @samstonehill has also been documenting this phenomenon. Here are some of his recent posts:

Three days ago I watched as planes created these trails on the horizon which formed over the afternoon into a strange rolling monster of a cloud...

After two years in Bali, waking up to this sight was quite special. Unfortunate that yesterday the skies were filled with man made clouds and this snow is most likely full of strange chemicals I would rather not have my kids playing in....

Final Thoughts

Why is this grave topic of concern not being covered more? What can we do to raise additional awareness to the issue and get people to act against it? At which point does it become irreversible?

In Truth and Liberty,


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This is one of those issues that tends to keep flanking me but I've yet to really dig into. Thanks for your post, I will use it as a hop off point to start the information gathering. Just today, in fact, my wife was listening to Matt Landman ("Frankenskies") speak on the Meria Heller podcast. We were planning to watch it this evening to start the exploration but other things, as they do got in the way. Have you seen "Frankenskies"...if y, is it a good summary of the issues?

First time I hear of "Frankenskies" but just located it on YouTube; so I will definitely watch it. Thanks for sharing!

Over the past few years we have seen increasingly extreme weather events.

Indeed. Thanks for dropping by my little corner of Steemit. Have a good one my friend!