Monthly-Subjective Outdoor Comfort Index (M-SOCI). Great Lakes Bay Region, State of Michigan, United States of America. July 2018

in weather •  7 years ago  (edited)

M-SOCI for the Michigan Great Lakes Bay Region in the month of July 2018 is: 18.2

  • This number goes from 0 to 100.
  • It is calculated by adding every D-SOCI (from every day) in the month, dividing it by the number of days in the month and multiplying it by 5.

0 being a perfect outdoor comfortable experience (during the day) and 100 the worst possible subjective experience.

MonthM-SOCI Score
May 201830.8
June 201828.0
July 201818.2

The reason for this index is for people use it to describe how weather affect us in different regions. For example. It would be interesting for someone in Florida or California to do the same. We would have an objective way to compare the subjective experiences.

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