when the van is rocking. ..steemCreated with Sketch.

in weather •  7 years ago  (edited)

well, i better try and get as much work in as possible today because i might be kept awake all night, looks like we got a storm coming in later tonight that are gonna be gusting and buffering the van around like crazy in the early morning on wednesday morning, sure it aint no crazy florida weather but it's always a shock to the system when we see winds like this, i remember being in the van in 50 mph winds with bella and she kept looking at me like it was gonna tip over!

i'm pretty buffered here with trees on one side and a big ass tree which the wind can hit and spread out the wind, all depends i guess which way the wind is coming, either way, it's either gonna rock me to sleep or wake me up and sound like we are in a remake of twister. maybe i should sleep earlier tonight to get into rem sleep before it all kicks off? i'm not sure what is worse, being woken up by the shaking or being awake trying to sleep.

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lol, you guys kill me! :)

that scarily looks like me tbh ;)
