🌩️ What You Should Know About Hurricane Harvey & Imra 🛰️

in weather •  7 years ago 

Wanted to get into this Hurricane Irma and explore what is being said about it, on Tuesday the Daily Caller published an article warning people that the U.S. Virgin Islands Gov. Kenneth Map signed an emergency order allowing the seizure of Private Guns, Ammunition, Explosives and Property by the National Guard.

Ask yourself this who benefits from an Unarmed Population? certainly not the public, it's much easier for a government to control unarmed citizens, some might remember they did the same thing during Hurricane Katrina.

Hurricane Katrina Door to Door Firearms Confiscation

Talk about walking all over the United States Constitution, Entering Private property and forcing people out, how are people going to defend their family from Armed Looters?
if they decide to stay in their homes that's their right,
I suppose a better question is how many people even get their guns back after these Emergencies.

The other side of this is the talk about Manipulating the weather, yeah you heard that right, we have all seen the chemical trails in the skies, some still insist they are just water vapour, but when you see they have Registered Patents for the these technologies, then it supports the idea that they do exist and have been using them for a long time.

There are claims that Hurricane Harvey was deliberately manipulated and redirected towards Houston Texas, they are calling them "Weather Weapons".
A growing number of observers, websites and analysts are concluding that Hurricane Harvey was Engineered and made into a weather weapon through a combination of ground-based temperature manipulation tools and Chemtrail seeding.

See this is very intelligent because the scientists and governments can call this a Conspiracy Theory, While at the same time put the blame on "Global Warming / Climate Change" whatever they are calling it these days.

But everyone keeps asking why would this shadow government target Texas and cause all this death and destruction,
Well according to writer Ben Fulford, who you should be careful with, he has said a lot of things in the past that did not come true or can't be proven, while other information does make sense and should be looked into.

In a recent post on his site, he also called them weather weapons and claims there's a power struggle going on behind the world stage and that the Controllers of the old system are not going without a fight.

He said the The Magazine Charlie Hebdo is owned by the Rothschild family, and is pointing the finger at its owners on the cover page.

In a previous post he said Trump had tweeted a code phrase for weather warfare “once in 500 years” to describe Hurricane Harvey.
Let's not forget that Texas has enormous natural resources. Like Oil production.

He then when on to explain he had received and E-mail from a CIA source, about Hurricane Irma.

Expected landfall Eastern coastline USA, expected from 9th September (Note: 9/11 date) through to 10th and 11th September 2017, ADVISE ALL STATIONS – make preparations now, secure property – LEAVE THE AREA by a distance of at least 60 miles from coast.
Seek altitude, avoid river valleys, flood plains, heavy population areas. Secure food, portable water, fuel and secure shelter.
Even if it does not come ashore (unlikely) the wave propagation is showing wave height expectations of over 50 ft and duration of wavelength of 16 seconds.

There's more but that's the basics, good advice but also seems like a lot of fear mongering.

Also said A source in the Pentagon said to him:
“Hurricane Harvey, while tragic, allows the military to bring troops and equipment to stop states like California from seceding, defend the republic’s gold depository. (yeah if there's any left in the safe, don't forget the Dollar is backed by Oil not gold like it should to be.)

There's a lot to think about here, with no real answers as to what is going on, but the Pentagon seem to be worried about a staged Civil War, I'll post more if there's anything not being said on the TV, but in the mean time people in the affected areas should make plans to evacuate, head inland and make it a family trip for a few days if you can.

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If it is a manmade 'wonder weapon' that caused this, then why texas? Maybe to put the squeeze on a state with a historical spirit/culture of resistance and high number of gun-owners, or maybe its got something more to do with the recent spike in gas prices... Houston supposedly has something like 30% of the US's refining capabilities, so losing it forces the are to import fuel from other states and creates a higher demand for the country to import more refined fuel from foreign countries (had it not been for the refinery shutdown/ reconfigurement to methane storage the delaware valley alone has seen in recent years the impact would not have been so significant). I don't know exactly what kind of impact this would have on other industries or on foriegn countries, just that it will send a ripple out across many other areas of the economy.
However, if there was no economic need to drive the prices higher, then its quite possible that it was done to hurt the historically oil-rich state economically. I'm not saying that any of these possibilities is the case, but in a world of what-if's based on the rising civil tension the country has seen recently its worth looking at fuel production capabilities as a high value commodity and therefore an important military target

@thespiritwithin Thanks for commenting,

Yeah Texas does have a rich history of gun culture, people who won't easily give up their weapons,
(That creates the conflict they want)
Probably should mention this is also the home state of the Bush family, so that might play a part in all this.

Where not going to get real answers until whistle blowers start coming forward and exposing all this, but it's interesting to keep a look out at who will benefit from these Hurricanes.

Just in case you missed it though, in the second video at around the around the 15:00 mark,
he shows the Radio Beams going into the Hurricane.

I did see that seemingly static line of high energy areas. I know nothing about EMF or meteorology but it really does look like a focused beam of hight energy RF waves doesn't it? This kind of reminds me of some of the tech that Tesla was laughed out of science for talking about 🤔

They never let a catastrophe go to waste... I don't live in Texas, but I already know that Texans LOVE their guns, and aren't going to give them up easily. A civil war is likely to break out if the government thinks they can even try.