This Post is All Over The Place, Like Today's Weather

in weather •  7 years ago 

Today we've had sun, rain, and snow. Some of them all at once.

Suddenly the skies seemed to clear, and I thought I'd take a few minutes to go out and vacuum the car. Lately it feels like I'm driving to the train station in a rolling gravel quarry, and now that the wife has her own car it seemed like an opportune time to tidy mine up.

That's when the hail started.

Man, I'm feeling really burnt out today. This was a long week dealing with car and phone trouble. Then we spent Saturday cleaning up the yard at the AirBnB rental and patching fences that blew down over the winter. @donnadavis art posted about that here (and shared a picture that makes me look fat and old, which is only half accurate). Six hours of working outdoors without a hat and standing close to a roaring brush-fire has left me with that feverish alcohol-free hangover feeling you typically only feel after spending too long at the beach in the summer.

So today's been a double-napper. That's fine. What are Sundays for, other than lazing on the couch and sniffing tail?

This'll be a good week, though. I just know it. Nothing looming over the forecast, gradually warming temperatures, and a work routine that I actually look forward to. How many people can say they've got that?

All this assuming that the massive protest that swept past my shop yesterday didn't trash the place. Gotta say I'm glad they scheduled their march for my day off. You're welcome to your own opinions on gun regulation, of course. Personally I think the problem of school shootings have a lot more to do with schools than guns. But it's telling that, here in Boston Common, the cradle of the American Revolution, thousands of people are marching to demand a restriction of their rights.

But then again, my Mayflower-sailing ancestors fled here because they felt life in Holland was just a little too free for them. Better to come to the new world and let half of them freeze to death.

Thanks, Grandpa.

AAAny-who... I just discovered how to take "selfies." Did you know these newfangled phones have cameras on the front and back? I nearly spat out my pipe when I was trying to take a picture of the cat and my own face popped up. But it's not so bad a face, I guess.

Look out, kiddos. Old man coming through.

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I am sorry you are feeling burnt out today but having this attitude "This'll be a good week, though. I just know it." means you will indeed have a fantastic week! :)

All selfies look better with a pipe in them! haha :)

Though there are some rather serious notions in this piece, I'm going to concentrate on the humorous bits, as there were many that gave me quite a few baallyhoots. Your wit is quite sharp if it isn't usually. (Guess it's yesterday, if one wants to play picky).
Thanks for the myriad of chuckles, and for finally dispelling what parts are what at the end. I DID find this out about the camera phone, though not all that long ago. "How come it keeps taking pictures of ME?". Mr. HighTech here. I use a smart phone for a camera, and a flip for a phone. Too cheap for real service. Have a nice night, glad your weather is a bit more cooperative, and you're not holed up shivering away in the dark. I really do have an appreciation for this electricity stuff....

I used to carry two phones around for the same reason. But bulking out my pockets got old fast. The service is rather cheap: $35 a month, pre-paid, and the sim card was only a dollar.

Glad to provide some laughs!

Brilliant! You learned to take self-portraits in 2018 and Donna has a new car!

The TidePod Generation are telling the adults what to do.

Oh, stop whining about your pictures.... :))
You were lucky to be spared the protest march and I agree with you schools are part of the problem, together with the many drugs today's kids are on, partly because they cannot cope with those schools...
Hope you get a break from that terrible weather you've had...

Oh man, all those poor medicated kids. Just because they can't sit still in a completely unnatural environment for eight hours a day. It really makes me sick.

A dear friend of mine was on the cutting edge of ADD treatment, because his mother was building her career as a social worker around putting her kid on pills and dragging him to conferences. The guy is a certified genius - scored highest in the state on an advanced math exam in college, a test that have the takers outright fail - and he was so drunk when he took the exam that he didn't remember how he got to the room, or, afterwords, what was on it. He's struggled with drugs and alcohol his whole life, but while he's managed to remain sober for 10 years now, he'll never be free of prescription pharmaceuticals.

Personally I think the problem of school shootings have a lot more to do with schools than guns.

It has more to do with SO many thing then it does with guns themselves. The media has been doing a great job directing the narrative on this issue towards blaming the gun.

@tarazkp just wrote a couple posts today on the topic of the media. Worth taking a look if you haven't seen them.

But it's telling that, here in Boston Common, the cradle of the American Revolution, thousands of people are marching to demand a restriction of their rights.

Well as Forrest Gump said "Stupid is as stupid does."