A Final Project

in web-development •  4 years ago 

I am still considering whether do a bit of retro development, or to refresh my HTML and CSS skills. If I decide to refresh my web development skills, I have a possible final project.

Earlier this week, I received a link to a Google Drive that had several documents relating to martial arts. I downloaded what interested me and realized that I have the resources to put together a decent, and useful, "community defense" page. If I opt against learning web development, I can either add the documents to an existing page on my 'blog, or create a new one.

Many will say, "The election [in the United States] is all but over." That may be the case, but Trump's supporters aren't going away quietly. They had a taste of power, and will continue to show force. The police and other agents of the state are still a persistent threat to activists, especially the "boots on the ground" in affected communities.

The techniques could make good exercise. This pandemic has likely added a few pounds to a lot of folks, and a little community defense training may help win the battle with the scale.

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