How To Create A Website – Web Design Creation Tips

in web •  8 years ago 

In learning how to create a website, there are certain aspects of  website creation that you need to keep in mind. Here are 8 useful  website creation tips that will help you create stunning websites. 

How To Create A Website – Website Creation Tip #1 – Select a color scheme and stick to it.

In the event that your organization has a logo or favored hues on its  stationery, that’s is a decent place to begin. For those of you  beginning without any preparation, pick a few related hues and stay with  them – don’t change hues on each page. The most widely recognized color schemes include:  

  • Red, yellow and white
  • Blue and white
  • Red, dark and white
  • Blue, orange and white
  • Yellow, dark and white

In case you’re not certain what color scheme to pick, surf the web  and discover a site that you like. You can then model your scheme based  on the design that you like. 

Website Creation Tip #2 – Use (or create your own) Preset Template Formats.

Can’t discover a site that you truly like? Another choice is to pick a  pre-set layout. There are numerous layouts or pre-set templates that  you can find on the web. These can be built in web design programs (like  Dreamweaver for example) or you can look at a few sites that specialize  in template designs. Visit these destinations:  

Website Creation Tip #3 – Create a straightforward and simple navigation structure.

This is a standout among the most critical issues to consider when  outlining your website. You have to ensure that your website visitors  can discover what they are searching for effortlessly. Most sites either show their navigation on the left or at the top.  

What’s more, since the vast majority of internet users are already  familiar with this sort of navigation, it’s best to stay with it. Depending on the amount of content that you have, you may also need to add navigation links at the bottom of each page. 

Website Creation Tip #4 – Try not to go overboard with enhancements.

Whilst it is alright to have maybe a couple enhancements on your  site, flashy illustrations and logos regularly divert your guest from  the substance, also they can take too long to download. Your visitors  may click away to another website even before your “fancy stuff” has  finished loading. 

Website Creation Tip #5 – Use an appropriate background on your website.

You need to ensure that visitors to your website can read the content  on your background, ie. no dark content on a dim blue background or  yellow on white. Also make sure that your links are clearly visible. The default link color for text in web browsers is usually set to  blue. 

Internet users have grown accustomed to the color of blue for text  links. If you want to use a different color, ensure that the color you  use contrasts well against your background. 

Website Creation Tip #6 – Create links to other relevant pages.

Creating links to other relevant websites helps the search engines  properly index your website for relevant topics. It is also recommended  that you set the “target” for your external links to be opened in a  separate window. This ensures that visitors are still able to easily go  back to your website. 

Website Creation Tip #7 – Site Map and Search Feature.

On the off chance that you site is more than 15 pages, it is valuable  to have a site map or a “Hunt” highlight to guarantee that your guests  can quickly find what they’re searching for. 

Website Creation Tip #8 – Quality written substance makes all the difference.

While it is critical that your site looks spotless and proficient, it  is much more vital that you focus your endeavors on the substance of  your content. Here are some things to avoid:  

  • Flashy and disruptive intros and animations.
  • Heaps of pop up or pop under boxes.
  • Autoplay music. Permit your visitor to decide whether or not to play your music track.
  • Hit counters of the free assortment, which say “you are 27th guest”
  • Date and time stamps, unless your site is upgraded day by day or week by week
  • Backgrounds that distract the visitor from focusing on your content.


Get yourself focused on what to incorporate on the site and the most  ideal approach to advance it. These little useful tips will help you as  you are learning how to create a website. Check out the resources below  for more. 

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