Solcial: Less censorship and more freedom in the expressions of users!

in web3 •  3 years ago 


The Internet has always been a space in which it was possible to express different points of view, including those that do not coincide with the generally accepted ones. The flaw in the freedom to express any point of view has led to the emergence of communities that propagate and disseminate opinions that are subject to criminal prosecution in most countries of the world. The openness of the Internet has given a platform for everyone, and it is impossible to argue that this is the other side of the coin. States have not fully learned to control what is said on social networks, to find the real people behind the messages, and to apply to them the measures that are provided for by the legislation of the country.
I am sure that no one will dispute the need to fight against child pornography, the spread of drugs, communities that purposefully drive people and, in particular, teenagers to suicide. The perception of the Internet as a place where you can express any point of view is wrong. Mankind has developed social norms over thousands of years of its existence, it is impossible to believe that the emergence of a new information environment crosses out the basic principles.
States have always controlled the dissemination of information, as it determines our entire existence. Correctly placed accents give a different reading of the same events. What looks like heroism to some people is an unworthy deed, and this is well reflected in the language (scout or spy, what do you see as the correct definition?).

The development of technologies is always faster than their adaptation for political processes. Radio as a mass product appeared after the First World War, for example, broadcasting in America began in 1920 in the AM band. At the same time, the experience of the Russian revolution of 1917 demonstrates the understanding that means of communication are necessary, remember Lenin's phrase about mail, telephone and telegraph? True, in the original this phrase sounded somewhat different, and not like in the film: “They must certainly be occupied and retained at the cost of any losses: a) telephone, b) telegraph, c) railway stations, d) bridges in the first place” .

How quickly did radio policies adapt? The process was not too fast, it took a long time. In the United States, with the maximum penetration of radio in the 1930s, the first politician to use the possibilities of radio was Franklin Roosevelt.
Roosevelt addresses the nation almost three dozen times and explains the ongoing processes in understandable language. Roosevelt's addresses were collectively called "Fireside Conversations", since the format itself was different from the usual communication of politicians. People listened to the president in their homes as if he were a guest. Roosevelt's popularity was largely based on the fact that he could appeal to the maximum number of Americans.
During the Second World War, the confiscation of weapons and radios became a common practice for all warring parties in the occupied territories. Information control was carried out not only in relation to the occupied territories, their population was also forced to hand over radios in order to suppress rumors and panic.

In our time, the Internet and social networks have led Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States and have proven that this is a real force that needs to be controlled.

It is surprising that Donald Trump, having received his position at the expense of the media, immediately began to oppose IT corporations, in fact, created a threat to their existence in the usual format.
The set of tools that politicians use to set limits on new media and the dissemination of information is not diverse. This is the use of political leverage, the formation of loyal media. If we take into consideration the media at the level of a particular country, then usually the state supported loyal groups with the maximum coverage of the audience. At the same time, alternative points of view became niche, they were not supported by state budgets or preferences. Russia in this vein is no different from the USA, France, Great Britain, China and other countries of the world, the rules of the game are approximately the same everywhere.

The advent of the Internet gradually changed the rules of the game, the popularity of television has steadily declined, the same YouTube has become modern TV, as well as other channels of information dissemination have grown. The beauty of the Internet is that the information in it may not be verified at all, everyone can get confirmation of the point of view that is close to him.

The debate about whether the internet can be controlled has been going on for a long time. Today we have almost no counterbalance to IT corporations and the rules that they set themselves. The situation is absurd, because the companies that make money for us claim that they come from the best intentions. But when they are caught trading our personal data, they pretend it's an accident. These corporations have turned a person into a product that they successfully trade. When Google blocks a person and all his services, he does not give any explanation, there is nowhere to protest such a decision. And these are not isolated cases, you are simply erased from the digital universe.
no, and you instantly lose all your data - mail, photos, archives. They do not belong to you in any way, the lever is not on your side. And this is also something that needs to be corrected, to return control over your data to us. The process has already begun, but it is slow and thorny.

Let's talk today about the decentralized social network web 3.0 - Solcial, which allows you to use the network without fear of censorship, which is completely independent from both the state and the company managing the project.
Content storage is implemented on IPFS, access to it occurs through a peer-2-peer (p2p). No one except the user himself will be able to manage his content, will not be able to make changes, delete or use confidential information. Why? IPFS is an open source, peer-to-peer distributed hypermedia protocol designed to function as a ubiquitous file system for all computing devices.

IPFS also solves the security problems that plague the HTTP-based Internet: IPFS-based sites with content-addressed data storage and signed content protection are not subject to DDoS attacks. Hence, the accounts are tamper-proof - everything is encrypted, with no backdoors reading your private messages. You can create an anonymous account and use it however you like.

What advantages does the decentralized Solcial network give us, compared to the centralized social networks currently available:

lack of central regulation in applications. No permit is required, thus opening up new opportunities, including access to such people who were previously discriminated against on the basis of their gender, income, place of residence, etc.
accordingly, less censorship and more freedom in the statements of users;
higher fault tolerance, since applications are hosted in decentralized nodes - they are almost impossible to hack and do not depend on the operation of any one server. It will be more difficult for hackers or others to penetrate the network. In addition, if they are able to do so, each of their transactions can be tracked and canceled on the network.
the ability to own data. Data that is transmitted over the network will be fully encrypted. In addition, users will be able to decide for themselves what information they want to share with third-party users, bloggers, platforms. Users can now sell their data and earn on it.
the network is less prone to service interruption. Because there is no central entity to function in, it becomes difficult for distributed denial of service or other forms of service failure to contribute.
opportunities to monetize their presence on the network, both for application operators and for the users themselves.

What else I would like to say: social networks and the Internet are an amazing place that allows you to get to know people and communicate with friends. If used wisely, social networks can do a good job and bring new emotions to life.

And let Solcial help us with this.

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