Every day we are faced with lies, every other day with fraud, a little less often with theft and all kinds of other divorces, dubious transactions, etc.
During periods of upheaval, the information field is full of fakes, and the truth fades into the background. However, not only the state media are mistaken, but also eminent scientific publications. So the authoritative medical journal Lancet is guilty of publishing an article by Andrew Wakefield that the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine can lead to autism. The doctor was wrong. Everything would be extremely prosaic if it were not found out that the error was not accidental. Wakefield wanted people to use his patented rapid tests for measles instead of vaccinations. So he planned to earn 28 million euros.
Why do we believe false information?
Each of us lives in our own "soap bubble". A student of some St. Petersburg University, a gentle creature, with a coffee drink in her hands, is clearly different from a forty-year-old military man from the outback, who remembers the nineties and loves fishing. We are different and rarely pay attention to alternative information that is not close to us. This is fine. Each media has its own target audience. But here we meet the danger of fakes.
Some media deliberately or accidentally broadcasts a fake. An uncritically tuned part of the audience shares resonant news with their loved ones, who may not even know this media. And now the wheel of Samsara is spinning until someone media literate ends this vicious circle.
Most people perceive information, first of all, emotionally. Hence the sympathy for bloggers, often anonymous. This is first. And secondly, it must be admitted that the media in the world have been seriously discredited in the past few years. Many publications trusted by readers were sold to pro-government owners, and censorship appeared there. Many publications initially worked in bad faith. In addition, the propaganda machine is working at full capacity. The task of calculating among all this single publications that still comply with dogma, without distortions and distortions (in various directions), becomes a “mission impossible” for the average reader. Plus platform: in the modern world it is more convenient to read social networks (Telegram, Instagram, etc.), and not a website. As a result, for a combination of reasons, it is easier for the reader to subscribe to a blogger he likes or even to an anonymous channel.
Why are fakes created?
Fakes are created with three main goals - political (manipulating the population, fighting opponents), economic (attempts to manipulate the market or corporate wars), satirical (sites like Panorama).
"Panorama" and all other satirical fakes are not dangerous. Because it clearly says it's fake. For example, in "Panorama" it is written on the header of the site. Here the problem is rather on the side of the reader. Well, you can't be so inattentive and gullible. But political and economic fakes are extremely dangerous.
What are the consequences of spreading a fake?
Fake news can create mass panic. They can increase the level of aggression towards completely undeserving people. They distort the reader's picture of the world, influence his decisions and economic behavior. These are the goals pursued by the creators of fakes.
Modernity requires verification of information not only from professional journalists, but also from every consumer of news. Zealous emotionality, appeals, anonymity of the channel and sources, one-sided presentation of information in the news should be followed by a critical question in the reader's head: "can you believe?"
And you can also check. And more and more often new projects appear that are aimed at collecting information and evaluating it according to various criteria. One such project is Exorde, which is built around a core platform that provides unbiased credibility scores for information (and virality-related analytics).
Exorde is run by its DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) and uses community votes and polls. Management will be decentralized among all members of the community. Collectively, they will be able to change the internal rules and parameters of the systems (rewards, limits, delays, scheduling, etc.) and will have a built-in reputation system. These mechanisms are designed to continually align the interests of the community and its governance for the benefit of Exorde. In its structure, the system has an NLP artificial intelligence module, which will work with unstructured text. The artificial intelligence module will allow you to recognize objects in the text, extract sentences, facts, compare them with each other and perform similarity checks. This approach will allow you to keep track of relevant and fresh information received by the network, to form a more objective opinion.
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/ExordeLabs
Medium: https://medium.com/@ExordeLabs
Roadmap: https://exorde.network/roadmap