Social will be one of the first in its field and will be a resounding success

in web3 •  3 years ago 


Each of us, I think, noticed from our own experience that everything in our life is cyclical, everything has its own life cycle. There are no stories with constant growth. The same is the case with social networks. When social networks first appeared, they became a limitless opportunity and an alternative to letters for interacting with loved ones, friends and classmates. I think that many remember that at first these were small messages, but due to them we were able to communicate with people significant to us in real time.

Later, with the development of social networks, we were able to share photos, videos and audio. Famous people began to use social networks. And we got the opportunity to follow their work and their social life. And with the advent of blogs, a real boom and breakthrough of social networks began, they began to grow and develop, more and more new networks began to appear, for all our tastes.

And naturally, the larger the social network became, the more strictly and attentively it followed what was happening in “her house”. Systems of control and moderation began to develop, censorship began to appear, and we began to forget about freedom of speech in social networks. But at the very beginning, as soon as social networks appeared, their function was precisely communication and interaction without any control. When registering on a network or on a YouTube channel, we fill out an agreement with the platform and share personal data that is processed and stored on one of the central servers. And it turns out that our data no longer belongs only to us, but can be sold to a third party and used for someone else's purposes and benefits.

How to deal with this and how to change the situation? And this question will be answered by Solcial, an ecosystem where an alternative social network is being developed that works on the principle of decentralization. Solcial will financially motivate bloggers to create unique content. Accordingly, we will have a fundamentally new option in the network - an ecosystem of rewards for useful actions and the presence of an internal token.

In addition to the common social network token SLCL, Solcial will allow you to create unique tokens for individual content authors. The author's token, in turn, can be exchanged for an SLCL token with the possibility of subsequent conversion into any other cryptocurrency/fiat money.

Also, all internal network rules and content publishing rules will belong to the Solcial community. The absence of a central point of regulation will lead to the fact that there will be no speculation on blocking, deleting posts and accounts on the network. All moderation will be in the hands of the community.

I would like to hope that the Solcial ecosystem will be one of the first in its field and will be a resounding success, because this is our future, which is already coming.

@solcialofficial #solcial #nocensorship $slcl #scout #solana #socialnetwork #privacy #freedom #decentralized #web3

@solcialofficial #web3 #solana

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