Solcial: Decentralized social networks will increase our security

in web3 •  3 years ago 


Today, in order to chat with friends, meet interesting people and discuss exciting issues, it is not at all necessary to leave home and go somewhere - all this pleasure can be obtained on the Internet: blogs, forums, chats, social networks, and so on. . And this, perhaps, is not even the most pleasant feature of the Internet space. The virtual world for a number of people has become an impromptu platform, climbing on which you can express your opinion about exciting problems, the situation in the country and the world, the actions of politicians, or, for example, the behavior of a neighbor living on the floor above. And not only to speak out, but also to wait for feedback - the answers of supporters or opponents of the expressed point of view, the opportunity to argue, develop the topic, discuss and prove their case.

Which of us began to listen to a man who went to the square, climbed onto the podium and broadcasts about the fate of the planet? Perhaps someone would have stopped, but most passers-by would have simply passed by, in a hurry not paying any attention to the strange man. And in a few minutes, law enforcement agencies would certainly have become interested in the speaker, deciding that he was violating public order. And then they would have taken him to the police station, perhaps - they had drawn up a protocol. I don't think anyone would wish for such a fate.

But in social networks, I think, many will not only stop, but also enter into a discussion in blogs and groups, express their opinion. To be honest with oneself, each person, perhaps, will remember that at least once or twice he acted as a harsh critic of something and "uttered" an emotional speech full of vivid epithets and metaphors.

There is nothing wrong or dangerous in such behavior: every person has the right to express his thoughts and observations regarding something, and, of course, to count on some kind of response from readers. However, one should not be under the illusion that one can allegedly exist anonymously on the Internet, invent virtual personalities for oneself, and in which case no one will ever find you. Indeed, at the dawn of the development of the Internet, people could maintain a certain amount of virtuality and mystery, appear not to be who they really are, and no one began to get to the bottom of the truth. Theoretically, virtual personalities can exist on the Internet even now, but exactly until someone becomes interested in them. After all, finding out who writes on behalf of a particular character, maintains a blog or updates the site is easy. Firstly, because a person is easy to calculate by IP address. Secondly, the network stores a huge amount of personal data of users, such as: full name, addresses, contact numbers, places of work, study, travel information, hobbies and much more.

In addition, now that the Internet has become an important and indispensable part of all the processes taking place in the world, when information technologies are used not only for private life and scientific purposes, but also in the economy, production, at the state level, it is easy to ignore what is happening on the network. impossible. In addition, for many users, the Internet has become the number one mass media, since news about what is happening in the world often appears here much earlier than on TV, radio, and, especially, in the paper press. Accordingly, the state and law enforcement agencies began to regulate public life also on the Internet and social networks in particular.

And to some extent, this is correct, since there is prohibited content that can cause harm or call for violence. And this is the kind of content that needs to be moderated.

So, for users, social networks from the moment they appeared were platforms for the free expression of their opinions. However, in recent years, such a position has become less and less right to exist. We are talking not only about the regulation of social networks by the state (for example, about the recent law on blocking prohibited content in Russia), but also from the sites themselves. Blocking users by the administration of certain Internet platforms is happening more and more often.

Is there a solution to this problem? What I would like to see my social network:

Decentralized, not dependent on central infrastructure.

Protected from fake accounts.

Everything is encrypted, with no backdoors reading my private messages. So that I can create an anonymous account and use it as I see fit.

It meets all these requirements - Solcial is a decentralized social network that allows users to receive fair remuneration for their work. Solcial promotes freedom of speech by allowing users to interact without fear of being banned or censored. As the developers promise, our main goal is to create a more open, inclusive social network that promotes freedom of speech and helps citizens express their opinions in a civil way, without government interference or fear of being banned or persecuted.

In conclusion, I would like to say: in social networks there is both light and tdark side. On the one hand, they bring us closer, make our life easier, and on the other hand, they replace many moments of real life for us. What to do and what to do in social networks is the choice of everyone. But it will be very good if we take only the good from social networks, weeding out all the bad! However, it is necessary to remember one thing, that "the freedom of one person ends where the freedom of another begins." When expressing your opinion, you should remember that it concerns not only you. And if an Internet user, succumbing to emotions, insults another person, this is not only his, the user's, business, but also the one whom he offended.

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