What is Web3.0? How it will change lives?

in web3 •  3 years ago 

Evolution of Internet:-
The Internet started in the late 1960s under the organisation ARPANET. The project was run by the U.S. Department of Defence. It was only available to a few academics and government officials. Experiments were conducted by a lab at UCLA and Stanford. Though the experiments turned out to be a failure. The first brick had been laid.

After a series of experiments in the 1970s, Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf developed a Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol, or TCP/IP model to effectively transmit data between computers on different networks. This model gave birth to the age of the internet.

The Internet was officially introduced in January 1983 as a means of the exchange of data between computers. In 1990, Tim Berners developed the world wide web(www). Many computers joined this network. The main aim was the transfer of data between computers. There was no concept of advertisements and brands on the internet.
Web1.0 was one-way traffic. This term was not used until the term web2.0 was coined in the late 90s. Web1.0 comprised static pages joined by hyperlinks. The user could not interact or respond to the content he or she was consuming. It was broadly a unidirectional read-only web.
Tim Berner Lee, A Computer Scientist, gave the concept of Web 2.0 and Semantic Web.

Then came the age of ads and social media. This was the start of web2.0 starting from the early 2000s to the present. In web 2.0 a two-way traffic was developed. A user-friendly interface was developed. Platforms like Youtube, Social Media, WordPress are part of the Web 2.0 era. It must be clarified that Web2.0 was not invented. Improvements in web1.0 according to the needs 'n necessities led to the age of web2.0. Web2.0 is an upgraded, user-friendly version of web1.0.


Today's Internet is Flawed:-
The internet in 2021 is a centralized authoritarian model of the internet. People are constantly surveilled. Our data is being sold off to companies which then sell us products depending on our needs. Huge tech giants are the major players in the market. Privacy is compromised. The internet needs to be democratized. Therefore, it wouldn't be wrong to say that the internet is flawed.

With blockchain technology, a new web network has emerged i.e. Web 3.0. It was coined the co-founder of ethereum in 2014. Some people confuse Web3.0 with Tim Berner's Semantic Web but they are different concepts. However, some ideas are shared by both. Web 3.0 is a decentralised web with no owner. There would be no CEOs and no Tech giants. Our privacy will be ensured. It will have a major impact on the global economy, politics and social fabric of the society. Web3.0 will be an upgrade in the existing web by integrating modern technologies like artificial intelligence and blockchain.


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