Web Development and Machine Learning

in webdevelopment •  6 years ago 

There's almost no way you can write code without hearing about machine learning. It's being used for everything from data analytics to robotics and it's not going away. Machine learning is just starting to take off and it's going to change our world. So where does that leave you as a web developer?

In an interesting place actually. You handle how the user data is processed and stored and how data is filtered and displayed to users. With the right algorithms, you could create the most custom, on-the-fly websites ever.

If you take the time to dive into some of the math and theory behind those algorithms you can write code that will write the code to make those super custom sites. I'm talking about getting so advanced that you can change everything on the page without needing to supply the HTML or CSS.

There's actually already something like that out there. All you have to do is draw your layout and it writes the HTML and CSS for you. http://macaw.co/ I'm not sure if it writes the best code, but it does write code that works.

Our world is getting to the point where we'll see machine learning used in everything. We can get a little existential here for a second. What exactly happens if machine learning gets so advanced that it can write all of our code for us? We're no way near close to this happening, but it could one day.

So how do you feel about that? Do you think machine learning is going to get to the point it can write good code or will there be a built-in flaw because of our own flaws? It's kind of a fun thing to think about.

The year's almost over and I'm going to be taking the JavaScript tutorial down for some maintenance. Dec. 31st will be the last day you can download it for a while so you might want to go ahead and do that. Go get it here

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