I cannot believe it, today is the day
I just gave my Deanna away
She's grown up and become such a beautiful woman
And today is her wedding day
The years go by fast and now she's all grown up
And I ask myself, where did the time go
My Deanna is ready to go start her new life
You wonder, did I teach her all the things she'll need to know
She picked a fine young man, he's a lot like me
And there is a bonus, he owns a lot of guns
He's a hard-working man and I know that he loves her
It will be an honor to call Damon one of my sons
They're both so excited to start their new life
They are so happy and young, they are free
The best advice my wife and I can give them
For a successful marriage, communication is the key
The most important lesson I hope I taught my Deanna
Is that God loves her and will always be there
If you two will invite God to be a part of your marriage
You will find out how much God really cares
I want to tell them both how much I love them
I congratulate you both as husband and wife
We are so happy that Damon's becoming part of our family
I wish you both the very best as they start their brand new life