RE: Weedcash - Some Thoughts on Engagement

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Weedcash - Some Thoughts on Engagement

in weedcash •  5 years ago 

I appreciate your dedication to steem and weedcash. I agree that those of us who want to see the success of the blockchain need to take whatever action we can think of to get the word out. I would love to see weedcash stickers by the hundreds being handed out in dispensaries and plastered on telephone poles and stop signs. I would be happy to donate a chunk of my WEED to the cause. Let’s get those stickers printed and in the hand of supporters who will disperse them in their areas.

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Thank you @choosefreedom

I think that is a great idea. We definitely need some advertising.

I searched online a bit and was pretty surprised how expensive it is to have some simple stickers made lol, but I'll search around a bit more and see what I can find. I would definitely be willing to donate some of my precious weedcash to the cause as well. If we don't get some adoption, it won't be worth anything anyway.

I also appreciate your dedication, and thank you for taking the time to comment and offer up some ideas, we need more people like you! :)