RE: Weedcash - Some Thoughts on Engagement

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Weedcash - Some Thoughts on Engagement

in weedcash •  5 years ago 

By whom is Weedcash?
How is distribution?
Are there big ninja whales?

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It depends on what you consider a whale here really. I'm #10 in stake holding. This is @futuremind btw.

I'm not 100% sure about distribution , but I think it's 60/40. 40% to curators, but I could be wrong. @richardcrill would be the man to ask. Maybe he'll see this tag and jump in the conversation.

We're a niche tribe, and our community here supports the legalization of cannabis.
is our front end, and I am sure you will earn some weedcash, should you decide to blog about cannabis and use the tag ;)

Being from germany and posting Cannabis Blogs onto a blockchain sounds dumb

Posted using Partiko Android

Cannabis being illegal sounds dumb.

If you are not a part of the solution, then what are you? People complain all the time that this isn't fair, that isn't fair.. This is our opportunity to voice our truth to the world, and we need more like minded people.

I understand things are tough for you right now bro, but I suggest you think about this, and ask yourself what you can do to make a difference , with something you've already admitted has helped you in so many ways, yet you are suppressed from it .

Think about that.

Best wishes.

even though I can't grow or even post about pot, I'll post about other plants.. :)