The Old Steemians Home: Omra's Tale (Part 2?)

in weekendfreewrite •  7 years ago  (edited)

Last week, @omra-sky created a story featuring a few of the freewriters living together. Since then, a few of us have shamelessly moved in and are running wild!
If you haven't read any of the stories yet, I highly recommend that you do. While each freewrite can stand on its own, there is a grander story arc developing. None of us know exactly where this is going, and that's what's frightening fun! The links to each are located at the bottom of the page.


My The Weekend Freewrite 12/30/2017


Michael sat down in the middle of the road and began to cry tears of joy at the sight before him.

The air was filled with soft, soft light that pulsed around him. Glowing, glowing, yellow, pink and green. It smelled like the earth on a day after it rains in the spring.............a day that gave you hope for new beginnings..........

Why he was the one to be able to see this he hadn't a clue. His day had started out like any other and he was just like any other or so he had thought but people were walking around him now like he wasn't there! Couldn't they see it? This fantastic sight that all but blinded him? How could this be? he thought as he tried to look around but not take his eyes off of what was in front of him.

It seemed to be waiting for him to come to terms with what he was seeing. There was no pressure just all out calmness in the field around him.

He slowly reached a hand outward with his palm down not knowing what to expect but afraid it would soon be gone. That was not something he wanted to think about so slowly...........


I can't help but laugh as I continue to feed the invisible fish that someone else wants to have for his dinner thought Micheal.

What a crazy trip it has been from this morning to now. To be dragged into a world that Dr. Suess would only dream of.

The fanciful tales that happened now were something that still keeps him in wonder.

Today of all days it was good that he had found the invisible fish so @omra-sky had something to make his saber from. When on his search for more information that day, Michael had found in the paper someone asking if they had any invisible fish to please bring it to the Old Steemians Home. He had thought! How can you catch invisible things? but little did he know his world that day had changed forever and now to just get those fish back to the Home.

He talked to them and they all seemed willing to go along for the ride. Last few years their shoal had been dwindling as more and more decided they tasted more than fine.

So taking up the new found container in the shape of a toaster?..........


The bill she forgot to pay lay in front of Omra-Sky as he swore to the high heavens.

Now, what was he going to do? he was Sooooo close! The man was coming with the invisible fish and now he might not be able to feed them. It was the bargain he had made with the man in order to get the scales he needed to make his saber.

He had promised the man that it wouldn't harm the fish in the least which was the truth or @snook would have his head!

So off he went in search of @brisby to ask her to fly to the electric company so they didn't lose power and the plan could still go on!

Now that she had 'turned', her and her purple squirrels were irreplaceable in the whole shebang.

Then off to @simgirl to have her make some music to keep the fish calm and happy while they were here.

The plan, tho always changing, was coming together in ways one just never knew but they HAD been trained by the best! The god @mariannewest.


Happy Writing!

This is a spin-off of my original story, The Old Steemians Home. Other's have also written spin-offs. They are worth a read. I will post links to the one's I'm aware of at the bottom. If you have written one, leave a link to it in the comments. If you're thinking of writing one, please do. Use the tag: #SteemHouse and/or #oldsteemianshome. There's plenty of room at #SteemHouse.

Previous Old Steemians Home Stories

The Old Steemians Home by @omra-sky

Flash! Day 66 #freewrite by @snook

Old Steemians Home Christmas Eve by @brisby

Netflix: Episode 12, The Old Steemians Home: The Waiting

Just a pillow - Solo un cuscino [ENG/ITA Freewrite - An Old Steemians House Production]

Children's Games - Giochi da Bambini ENG-ITA

Steem House: Omra's Tale (Part 1)

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Did I read this right? I'm writing songs for invisible fish??? ha ha. I will have to write one of these :D Can my song be invisible??

If We can hear it then yes LOLLL :D

Hi @snook! You have received 0.1 SBD tip + 0.02 SBD @tipU from @brisby :)

Check out new tipuvote! feature :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

LOL! Yeah, don't mess with @snook!
I like the idea of invisible fish scales. I hope he doesn't drop them! I'm imagining the light saber sound and then a bunch of swarming glowing fish scales forming all the way to the tip! of the 'blade'. @Simgirl will have them dancing to her tune in no time, I'm sure!
The house you're building needs a Shed now, sorry about that.
My purple squirrel brigade thanks you! We will proudly serve the SteemHouse! (She says as she snacks on some tasty invisible goldfish crackers).
Love the rhyming ending, too!

shed is done :D and Thank You :D

Thank you @Snook! It's perfect! (And nobody would ever think of what lies inside.....)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yay! I have my Scalesaber! Are these invisible fish related to @f3nix's banana fish?

😂 I love that my throw-away joke has spurned such interest.

what banana fish......... where was that comment............we need a book of all our comments loll

we can change it.........

The banana-light-saber 🤔 ..interesting... I wonder if Rey could find it useful in her intimacy moments..

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

But would it taste like banana?

This is taking an interesting turn. 😂

Hey, I didn't begin the conversation! 😎

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Buahahah the old steemians home reveals its adults only secret side XD Priceless @brisby ... Freewrite incoming in this? And btw Happy New year guys!.. Just remember "what you do in the first of the year you will do It all' the year" (italian way to say/joke)

Felice Anno Nuovo @f3nix!
As for a freewrite ... 😁 Is that a dare?

Uhm could be.. 😏

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

your wild imagination is always surprising @snook ! I think that a banana fish would have been good aswell but those are rare like unicorns..

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Shoot ! did I step on toes? going to read what you wrote now..........shoot!

and so funny you should say unicorns...........that was the 'light' he saw in the beginning but I ran out of time lolll

Banana fish will conquer the world one day, any robo-squirrel resistance will be futile aware! 😛

HA! now what is the banana fish and where is it lolll :D help a poor women 3/4 asleep :D

😂. It's from @f3nix's blog description.

Duhhhhhhhh LOLL smacks head LOLL

Don't underestimate their squirrely wrath!!

those squirrels are scary :D

Only if they're crossed. (Or if you touch Jeff's sesame beef, he has this weird addiction ever since I let him have some a few months back...)
Wow! I may be getting a little too into this.....😕

@brisby why don't you invent the crypto-squirrels? I think that they might be more succesful than the crypto kitties 🤔


Hmm... Well, our fully furnished castle that @snook is building us will need an influx of cash... 💲
They could scamper across the screen, waving their bushy tails at the user.

now, let me answer you properly my Friend.

your wild imagination is always surprising @snook !

THANK YOU so much!!! your comments always make me feel great about my writing. Sorry I jumped over the best part of the comment and went right to the fish.........

it IS something I'm working on........excepting compliments......never been good at I'm very good at deflecting them lolll I will try better in the future :D

Hahah in fact i noticed have to confess 😉 Don't worry, just be the great yourself that you are. We are authentic people here, that's what I love.. happy new year @snook wish you and all your lovely family all the best for 2018!

Thank You and you and Mrs. 3D F3nix also!!!!!

Oh, I posted the front of the house in the other post.......with all the house pic' have LOT's of basement to play in LOLLL

you know, when I read this the first time - I missed the god part lol
Love all that you are doing!!
But I am having a hard time with Dtube. half of the videos aren't playing for me....

DTube........I have many thoughts on that subject best left to my own brain loll

and leave it to YOU to miss that you are now a God LOLLL

Love to You my dear Friend!!!