If we are to have any kind of future - the oligarchs and corporations at the World Economic Forum and their associates and servants must be kept out of policy making - especially in public health and education.
Politicians and public employees in the pay of these individuals or corporations, or who are under their influence or part of one of their 'movements' or 'campaigns', need to be weeded out and can then go and work for them directly if they like - they sure as hell aren't working for us.
We also need to dismantle the global financial institutions that underpin their influence and replace them with accountable, local bodies responsive to public need.
These oligarchs and corporations need to try and sell their goods and services (if we allow them to do so or chose to purchase them), pay their taxes and shut the f*ck up.
No more bleeding us dry and directing our lives through public/private partnership fascism and phoney economic, political and health 'crises'.
No more insane social experiments and grand plans for social transformation.
How we live is for us to decide.
Produce, sell or go to the wall. That's the role of the private sector. End of.
Happy Friday