how to appease the beast.
There are those who claim the most effective diets are those which have you eating only
two meals a day, and drinking water for the rest. I strongly encourage you to ignore these
methods, as they are not sustainable.
The secret is snacking. And I don’t mean digging around in a bag of chips and licking the
salt off your fingers (we’ve all been there). I mean pouring yourself a bowl of organic nuts.
Or blueberries. Or frozen peas. Be inventive, but clever about it. Choose the right food in
But let’s talk about the late-night secret. It’s simple. And easy. Are you ready for it?
Okay. It’s a cup of tea. Don’t underestimate those three words. Not to drink immediately
before bed, but rather in the gap between dinner and sleep.
My go-to is the always delicious, always sufficient Red Tea. It satisfies the hunger itch, but
leaves me feeling clean, calm and revitalized, primarily due to its detoxifying properties. And
it’s caffeine free – so don’t fear, you won’t be bouncing from the walls.
After my extensive studies around fat-burning solutions, the myths and the answers, I
created this tea with ingredients selected carefully for late-night cravings and overall
weight loss (you can find the recipe in the link below). The benefits are endless, but the
solution is simple.
Set yourself a challenge. I’ll be right there with you. Ditch the chips, the ice cream, and the
guilty pleasure of cheese blocks. Get the kettle bubbling and pour yourself a steaming
mug of Red Tea. I guarantee – you will fall in love with the taste – and late-night cravings
will be a beast of the past.
Try theRed Tea Detox today to get the recipe
Click here