I was so inspired and impressed by my quick weight loss where I lost weight without completely altering my diet and decided to write this article and share my experience in the first place. Long story short. I lost about 25 kilos in 2 months using ketosis.
Quick disclaimer: there’s a link to the product that I used below if you want to try out the meal plan i used
So What Exactly Is Ketosis? – Basically this is when the body is completely fueled by fat, it enters a state known as "Ketosis," which is a normal state for the body. Ketosis is a popular low-carb weight loss program. In addition to helping you burn fat, ketosis can make you feel less hungry and keep muscle. For healthy people who don't have diabetes and aren't pregnant, ketosis usually kicks in after 3 or 4 days of eating fewer than 50 grams of carbohydrates per day.
Ketosis comes with a ton of potential advantages like quick weight loss (which I’m sure is the main reason majority of you are reading this article},. May reduce risk of certain cancers and improve heart health.
But just like everything in this world, ketosis has cons which are both short-term and long term.
Short term effects include bad breath commonly known as ketosis breath, fatigue, headache, brain fog and upset stomach, aka “keto flu.”
Long-term health risks include kidney stones, osteoporosis and liver disease. Other risks are unknown, since no long-term studies exist.
What Is a Ketogenic Diet Like? - A keto diet is an eating plan that focuses on foods that provide a lot of healthful fats, adequate amounts of protein, and very few carbohydrates. The goal is to get more calories from fat than from carbs. The diet works by depleting the body of its sugar reserves.When the average person consumes a carbohydrate-rich meal, their body converts those carbs into glucose for fuel. When carbs are present in the body, glucose is the body's main source of fuel. On a Keto diet, there are very few, if any, carbs consumed, forcing the body to use other forms of energy to keep the body functioning properly. In the absence of carbs, the liver converts fatty acids in the body into ketone bodies, which is where healthy fats come into play.
An ideal Keto diet should comprise of:
• 20-25% Protein
• 70-80% Fat
• 5-10% Carbs
Two tips, if you choose to try it
Put major focus on unsaturated fat and heart-healthy choices such as fish,seeds, olive oil and nuts
.For your carbohydrates, eat as wide a variety of high-fiber veggies as you can, such as broccoli, lettuce,Brussel’s sprouts etc