Follow me on my journey to lose 50kg! FIRST POST!

in weightloss •  7 years ago 

Hey guys,

My name is Cherie, and this is my first post in this wonderful community.

I am currently in Thailand loving life, and I have decided to embark on a journey of transformation.

Diets... love them, hate them- you've probably been on one. I am no different, in fact if there's a diet- I have probably tried it. I've juiced, I've eaten protein only, I've counted points and I've even tried the lemon detox. (WHAT WAS I THINKING?!)

3 years ago I managed to lose 61kg, through an extreme diet and exercise regime. Fast forward 2 years, and after a particularly bad break up, and losing my grandfather, the weight started to pile back on again. Truthfully, I hadn't dealt with the eating disorder I was suffering, or developed the worth I needed to really treat myself with love.

After a few months of severe depression this year I decided something has to give, so I got on a plane and found myself in Thailand with the aim of starting my transformation all over again. Except this time I want to document my journey, and I'd love for you all to come along!

Except this time it's different... This time I will be looking at my mind, body and soul in hope that perhaps this is what will bring lasting changes.

I want to turn this fatty into someone fabulous. I will also be VLOGGING and posting the links, so come along for the ride.


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So excited to see your progress <3

Thank you!

Truly spoken from the heart:), and you talk about balance( i think that you are so right and that you have to love yourself now as well as when you succeed in making the new you), i believe a lot of people want success now be it money, weightloss, popularity, promotion at work etc etc being slow and methodical and enjoying the ride will bring happiness i think, and however small the progression even a dripping tap will eventually fill a bath, hugs to you for your determination and focused outlook and i have no doubt you will succeed in your goals , Well done you :)

Thank you.... balance is key. We can't maintain anything without it! Thank you so much for your kind words :-)