Should I do more in between training sessions such as cardio?

in weightloss •  7 years ago 

Had a great question from a client this morning.

Should I do more in between training such as cardio?

Looking at this from a calories in calorie out perspective.

Yes and no.

  1. 3 weight training sessions is more than enough to get amazing results - provided your calories are 100% on track.

  2. If you enjoy cardio and would like to add it in, yeah definitely go ahead and add some in.

  3. If you add in a cardio session for the purpose of fatloss and that session burns an extra 200 calories, you can also reduce your calories further by 200 and achieve the same result.

You also have to take into account time.

It requires much more time and effort to get up early or go home after work and change into gym gear drive to the gym, walk on the treadmill, set aside a decent session such as 30-60 minutes to get a meaningful calorie burn - or you can have a slightly smaller dinner or cut out a snack.

What would be the best use for you and your time?

Find your path of least resistance because ultimately that is what will get you easier results

Thanks for reading, if you have any questions feel free to post them below and I will respond

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I take a similar approach with my clients @xel I'm not a big fan of cardio for weight loss, I'd rather teach them how to manage their calories.

Most of them come to me with the idea established in their heads that they must have a post workout shake but when we sit down and work out how many calories they are eating, they are in surplus just from from what they eat. Add the post workout meal and they can go up to 1000 Kcal over maintenance every day or sometimes even more.

That may be OK for an 18 year old bodybuilder with more testosterone than a bull, but not so good for most women or men past about 28-30 years old.

They soon see why they weren't losing weight even though they were beating themselves up with loads of hard training and added cardio.

Cool post, I'll upvote you tomorrow when my steem power comes back up.

Exactly it’s always about nutrition first and foremost. You just can’t out train a high calorie diet.

If a client enjoys cardio then I am all for it.

If a client dreads cardio I would rather them put their effort into nutrition or training.

And thank you for your upvote Khufu

No problem @xel quality content deserves to be rewarded.

& I use a variation of your statement above about calories.

You cant outrun a box of doughnuts.

haha this is also true