12 Weight Loss Myths

in weightlossmyth •  3 years ago 

12 Weight Loss Myth

When it comes to their health, there are several typical weight loss misconceptions that people believe. It might be tough to tell the difference between weight loss myths and facts. Many of them ring truth, while others are simply absurd. I once read that if you drink water late at night, you will gain weight, and that if you scratch your head too much, you will lose your hair....

Myth #1
My exercise program should be more strenuous the more weight I need to reduce.

Weight Loss Truth: While having an intense workout routine is great, there are a few things to keep in mind. The first is that everyone is at a different level of fitness and can handle different levels of intensity. If you have been physically inactive for a long time, a vigorous workout for you could be walking half a mile every day. You notice that you are sweating bullets and are exhausted after walking that half mile. Walking half a mile can be done without difficulty by someone who has been physically active for many years. Walking half a mile without breaking a sweat is possible. Everyone has their own interpretation of "intense."

If doing out for an hour a day is strenuous for you, but you only have time for 20 minutes a day owing to your hectic schedule, that 20 minutes will go a long way. Although it may not be considered "intense" by your definition, those little bursts of cardio will have a favorable impact on your health.

Myth #2
I can eat everything I want and still lose weight.

Truth about weight loss: "What goes up must come down," stated Sir Isaac Newton. Our lives are governed by natural rules. If you throw a ball into the air, it will return to you. You can fantasize and visualize the ball staying airborne in the air while sitting on your couch, but natural laws dictate that it will fall. The same may be said for our weight. This is one of the most widely held weight-loss fallacies. If your diet consists primarily of twinkies, chips, and donuts, it is unreasonable to expect your health and weight to be in harmony. Yes, you can burn it off by exercising, but most people whose diet consists primarily of junk food are unlikely to stick to a fitness plan. I do know a few people who appear to be in good shape on the exterior since they are not "obese," yet have high cholesterol. I'd say this just because I'm sorry for breaking the hearts of so many twinkie fans out there. You can consume junk food, cookies, chips, ice cream, pizza, burgers, and other "soul fulfilling meals" in moderation. Excess is never a good thing.

Myth #3
It is possible to lose weight by skipping meals.

Weight Loss Fact: Numerous studies demonstrate that persons who skip breakfast and eat fewer meals throughout the day are significantly heavier than those who have a nutritious breakfast and then eat 4-6 modest meals throughout the day. The reason for this could be that they become more hungry later in the day and have a tendency to overeat at other times of the day.

Myth #4
I won't lose weight if I eat late at night.

Truth about weight loss: You can overeat during the day and not eat anything at night and still gain weight. It's also true that you can go without food throughout the day and eat all night and still gain weight. Balance is the key here. If your body is indicating that it is hungry, you should pay attention to it. The truth is that eating too much and not exercising will cause you to gain weight, regardless of when you eat. I try to choose something natural in nature whenever I am hungry at night, like I do with other meals throughout the day. Something like fruits and veggies, or perhaps a fruit smoothie.


Myth #5
I won't be considered acceptable unless I drop weight.

Weight Loss Fact: If someone does not feel acceptable because they are overweight, it is because they are not acceptable to themselves. Your perception of yourself determines how others perceive you. I honestly feel that mental fitness must come before physical fitness. I've experienced these self-limiting feelings previously. It made all the difference for me when I discovered that I was ALREADY ENOUGH in God's eyes and that I didn't need to prove myself to anyone or seek external validation for my self-worth. Accepting yourself for who you are RIGHT NOW is the first step. You will not feel unaccepted because of your weight if you recognize that you are already enough in God's eyes.

Myth #6
To lose weight faster, I need to reduce my calorie intake.

Weight Loss Truth: If you are severely over eating and filling your face, cutting calories may be beneficial. Cutting calories may, however, have a negative effect if you are eating appropriately. If you restrict calories and starve your body, your metabolism will be slowed, which may result in you not losing any weight at all, even if you are "reducing calories."

Myth #7
I can lose weight by skipping meals.

Fact about weight loss: skipping meals can actually make you gain weight! You will ultimately become too hungry and will have to eat. This will throw your metabolism off and eventually cause it to slow down. Consider an automobile that has run out of gas (food); if you do not fill it up, it will eventually break down. The same is true for our bodies; we must continually fuel them.


Myth #8
It's too difficult to eat well.

Weight Loss Fact: When you've educated yourself to eat healthy, it's the simplest thing in the world. How many times have you set a goal to "eat healthier" or "reduce weight"? You're doing well the first few days, eating all kinds of items you wouldn't ordinarily consume. Then something strange happened: you reverted to your old routines and behaviors. This has occurred to you in areas other than your health. It could be in your finances, job search, or personal relationships. Because our brains dislike change, developing a new habit takes time. It is perilous to change the brain.

Myth #9
To reduce weight, you must give up your favorite foods.

Weight Loss Reality: Can you imagine a world without chocolate and pepperoni pizza? I believe it would be a hellish place to live!! On a serious point, I strongly disagree with this legend. You can consume your favorite dishes without a problem. Depriving yourself of such pleasure is not enjoyable, and you will almost certainly consume it anyhow. The real key, as previously said, is restraint. If you enjoy steak, it may not be the best idea to eat it every day, but once or twice a week.

Myth # 10
Hunger is the root of overeating.

Weight Loss Fact: If only "hunger" was to blame. In fact, this "hunger" person has nothing to do with your OVEREATING. It could be your body's way of telling you that it's time to "fuel up" and that you're hungry, but that's no reason to binge. Different factors contribute to many people's overeating. Feelings of tension, depression, loneliness, anxiety, fear, and other negative emotions are among the most common. Many times, food can be used to meet your needs. It's possible that your food is truly meeting your needs. If you live a lonely life and are unhappy, food may be a way to make you feel better.

Myth #11
I'm too obese and far down the road to start now.

Weight Loss Fact: A long journey starts with one step. It's natural to have high expectations and perhaps fear the path ahead, especially if you're severely overweight. Making SMALL incremental changes is the key here. Expecting perfection will only cause you to be disappointed. You're never too far down the road to lose sight of the sun's rays......

Myth #12
I can't do it; I've tried numerous times and failed.

Truth about weight loss: Henry Ford famously stated, "Whether you think you can or you don't, you're right." ...... It's 90% mindset and 10% getting off your arse and doing something about it. You fall down, you get back up, and then you fall down again, and so on. If you've tried and failed to lose weight in the past, now is the time to try again. Discouragement is to weight loss what a piece of fried chicken is to a vegetarian.....they don't mix.


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