Don't Try These Foods If You Want To Lose Weight

in weigtloss •  3 years ago  (edited)

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The concept of "diet" includes some restrictions in the diet. But this does not mean that for those who are not on a diet, everything is possible.
There are many products whose benefits are questionable, and the harm is obvious. And if those who do not suffer from excess weight, a small amount of them will not bring much harm, then those who struggle with excess fatty deposits should be avoided.


Fats are substances necessary for the body. To exclude them from a diet completely it is not necessary. These substances contribute to the strengthening of immunity, without them, it is impossible to preserve the beauty of the skin. However, not all fats are equally useful.

From the diet, it's absolutely necessary to exclude Tran’s fats. They are easy to use together with fast food, half-finished products, and snacks like chips.

Saturated fats can account for up to 5% of the total caloric intake of the daily diet. They are found in meat, dairy products, butter, and all dishes consisting of these products.

When planning a diet, it is very important to consider the amount of fat. Their excess will hurt your figure. For a diet of 1500 kcal, the fat rate is 42 grams per day, with a diet of 2000 kcal - 55 grams per day. The number of fats of different types can be calculated from the above percentage.

Processed products

This group includes a variety of products that have been processed: sausages, bakery products (we will also talk about them below), various canned foods, etc.

When it comes to weight loss, every move seems like walking a tightrope. The constant regiment of checking what you eat, what nutrients they contain, and how much you can eat can get a bit boring.

Staying away from restaurants and skipping high caloric desserts are very good lifestyle changes that would benefit your weight loss program, but they are not the wholesome changes you need to make if you want to see some serious results.

Don't get trapped in the cobweb of starving yourself just so that you can lose weight. Trying that would seem like shooting yourself in the foot. Not only will you eat more when you finally get to eat, but you will also lower your body metabolism, add weight, and suffer from malnutrition.

To be able to lose more effectively, here are some wholesome changes you need to make regarding what you eat.
Skip high sodium foods

Sodium is a high retainer of water, but not just water, it also retains calories. Most manufacturers use them to preserve foods that are going to stay for a long time. For this reason, they become a substance that adds no value to your general well-being. They rather raise your blood pressure and open your chances of getting a stroke.

Sugary drinks

Beverage companies understand the human body's psychology very well and for that reason, they know how the body reacts when certain nutrients are lacking from your meals. If you skip meals just to lose weight, have you ever wondered why there is always a craving for sugary drinks? These drinks contain nothing but sweetened sugar and soda that is not good for the body.

Sugar on its own can cause type 2 diabetes as well obesity, spike insulin levels, etc.

Avoid white grains

White bread, white rice is all part of a proceeded food chain that adds nothing to the outer body than calories and more calories. Processed flours which are used in producing white bread are dangerous to the body because they just dump there directly as calories.
If you must eat rice or bread, let it be whole grain. There is no point in trying to lose weight when we continuously consume a large amount of these foods.

Don't eat pastries and cakes

Yes, you heard me right. These foods are nothing other than to quench our craving for sugary food anytime we feel bored, depressed, or downtrodden. Candy bars, cakes all contain refined sugar that is known for the huge amount of calories. Also, they contain no nutrients at all, so what do you gain by eating pastries? Nothing.
Moderate how you drink Juice

You can't compare the number of nutrients you will get from chewing your fruits raw and having them blended for you with some preservatives. The preservatives most come with added sugar and an energy-boosting mix that is not so good for our body. Most importantly, we lose the fiber content of our fruits as soon as we skip them for juice.

Get rid of chips

Plantain chips, potato chips are nothing but a large chunk of calories straight into the body system. They aren't the best foods to have if you are planning to lose weight. As soon as they get into your body they increase your caloric intake, depending on the amount consumed, which can add excessively to your weight.

Low-fat dairy product

What it means is that the fat in this meat, milk have been reduced to benefit the users of this product. But what they don't tell you is that they have been replaced by sweetened sugar, preservatives, and other ingredients that have made them taste different from the original. Continuous consumption of such will only result in one outcome, weight gain.

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