23 Weird Fruits to Try From Around the World |strange fruits

in weird •  3 years ago 


23 Weird Fruits to Try From Around the World |strange fruits

I have realized that weird fruits is the most searched keyword on my blog. This is weird (pun intended) because weird fruits are not really strange in a bad way, unlike weird vegetables. Fruit weirdness tends to be more of an acquired taste, rather than weird tasting but awesome such as durian or wasabi … at least I hope this is true.

With that being said, it’s time again for another weird fruit post! So here we go!


This section will feel like a grab bag of unusual fruits. There’s nothing particularly offensive about these fruits … they’re just weird looking.

  1. Dragon Fruit / Pitaya – Dragon fruit has weird bumps and spines for seeds. This isn’t the weird fruits out there, but it’s definitely got a weird shape.
  2. Rambutan – Another weird seed in strange places contender — this one is puffy like a watermelon, but has a weird red bump on it that looks more like an Easter egg than anything else.
  3. Lychee – The lychee is shaped vaguely like an eyeball with weird little icicle things sticking out of the top (those are actually seeds).
  4. Buddha Hand / Fo-ti / Tree of Life Fruit – What to do with this weirdly wrinkled gourd? Why not eat it! It smells pretty weird, but tastes like a weird melon. They say it’s good for curing baldness … not sure about that one.
  5. Surinam Cherry – This weird-looking fruit is covered in weird little spikes. The inside of the fruit is red (or orange), and has the seeds embedded in weird white strands.
  6. Monkey Apple – Seriously, look at this thing! It looks like something from the jungles of Jurassic Park or something. Anyway, they grow wild in Vietnam and Malaysia, and are supposedly pretty tasty if you can get past their weird shape!
  7. Casimiroa edulis / Honeyberry – Looks weird because it grows with its branches all twisted up … but those purple berries are weirdly tasty. Some even call them “the grapefruit of the tropics” because they’re so good.
  8. Breadfruit / Artocarpus altilis – Yeah, weird name … weird-looking fruit. This is a yummy staple food for a lot of people in the South Pacific (and also Polynesia). They look weird like that maybe to make it difficult to cut them open and eat the inside without noticing!
  9. Asian Pear / Sand Pear – Got seeds on its weird outer skin and all weird shaped … these are weird looking fruits alright!
  10. Durian / King Of Fruits – The durian looks weird because it’s covered in spikes for protection — except they’re not spiky enough, because people keep stealing the weird fruit and eating it. You’ve got to be really brave to go out and pick durians — they probably take up half of the weird fruits list!
  11. Tamarind – Weird name for a weird looking fruit… weird-smelling too (I think!). They grow in pods that contain about 4 small weirdly sour tasting weird fruits inside.
  12. Dragon’s Eye / Pitaya / Strawberry Pear – This weird pear … er … dragon eye thing looks like something from outer space, but is totally delicious to eat! It tastes weird sorta like fresh strawberries with a lot of citrus thrown in there.
  13. Jackfruit or Jakfruit – Found weirdly in South and Southeast Asia, this weird fruit tastes weird sorta like a weird breadfruit with weird vanilla added into it. It was also a weird inspiration for the weird Pokemon character Metapod!
  14. Buddha’s Hand – Also called Chinese Lemon, these weird fruits are weird shaped and he weirder-tasting — they’re sour like lemons but have an oily texture that makes them kind of weird to eat! Interesting fact: In Japanese culture, Buddha’s hand is a good luck charm that wards off evil spirits. I guess eating one might ward off evil taste buds!
  15. Dragon Fruit – Another weird exterior on this weird fruits — although its outer skin is bright red, the inside looks more like weird, weird white meat that’s weirdly sweet.
  16. Banana – Okay, it’s weird to see a weird fruit with weird leaves and weird flower petals … but that weird yellow flesh on the inside is pretty weird! It tastes sorta like weird bananas (duh) but sweeter flavor with a stronger scent. The only weird thing about bananas is when people grow them into weird sculptures!
  17. Green Mangosteen / White Mangosteen / Purple Mangosteen – This weird fruits might look like an oyster or something else from outer space — but trust me, these things are really good to eat! They taste delicious and have this amazing texture between tough skin and creamy interior. If you get the opportunity, definitely try a weird looking fruit with weird flavor and weird texture.
  18. Passion Fruit – This weird fruit tastes weirdly like weird passionfruit (duh). They’re good to eat, but they really smell weird — just be careful when eating them around people!
  19. Breadnut / Bonjol / Jackfruit Bean – The weird thing about this weird-smelling fruit is that you can eat the weird flower inside. It’s not usually eaten by itself, though … most of the time, it’s mixed into other dishes for flavoring purposes (“bean” because it looks kinda beanlike inside). Weird fact: In Indonesia, there used to be festivals called “Bonjol”, where all the men would dress weird weirdly in weird weird clothes and weird-walk around. It’s weird weird how they come up with these weird things!
  20. Purple Mangosteen / White Mangosteen – Okay, this fruit looks weird again — but the texture is even weirder than last time! The outside skin of a purple mangosteen is akin to that of an oyster or chitin (the stuff that makes crab shells rough), but when you bite into it, it turns into a weirdly fleshy middle layer … like nothing I’ve ever tasted before. Weird, indeed!
  21. Jackfruit / Breadnut – The jackfruit tree really takes the cake for the weird fruits list — have you seen its strange seeds? They look weirdly like weirdly weird penises growing on weird weird branches. Also weird: In Thailand, jackfruit seeds are used as a weird replacement for durian in many dishes.
  22. Cocona / Sweet Granadilla – This weird fruits is really rare to find outside of Central America and South Florida … but it’s totally delicious! The skin is hard to bite into — kind of tough — but the inside flesh tastes sweet and refreshing without being overwhelmingly weird.
  23. Sugar Apple / Sweetsop – Although this weird fruits looks like something you’d see on a deserted island somewhere, its taste is totally delicious! It has a curious flavor that reminds me of coconut with an undercurrent of pineapple and pap

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