
in welcome •  6 years ago  (edited)


Welcome tho the aceh, dimana mayoritas lelaki sering pusing karna dia (jeulame). #jeulame #saveagamaceh #saveinongaceh #tampanmalam

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Itulah kata pribahasa orang aceh

Assalamualaikum bg Furqan, lon Teungoh lon murno steemit, leu that hana meuphom lon, jeut lake tulong peurno lon?

Wa’alaikum sallam bg ibnu,, lake meuah beu rayeuk that bg ibnu, kbtulan ulon pih teungoh meuruno cit ttg steemit nyoe, ngoen yg peugah tempo hari.. untuk saat nyoe mntong lon cuma update2 foto mntong ile,, jan laen baroe kutanyong lom bak ngoen2 yg ka awai meuphom 😁🙏🏻.. mari ta meuruno sama2, peu2 yg hana pah ta peuglah

Get, makasih banyak bang Furqan beuh
