কোরআন আল্লাহর কালাম

in welcomes •  5 years ago 

Calling for Islam is a good act. Since this message, people get guidance on the right path. Through this, man is shown the way of peace in his world and in the Hereafter. "Who can be better than someone who calls people to Allah and performs righteous deeds. And of course I belong to the Muslims. "[Surah Fusilat, Ayat: 33]

Calling for Islam is a prestigious mission. This is the work of the Prophets. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said that during his lifetime, his mission and his followers' mission is to invite allah to Allah. Allaah says: "Say, this is my way, I call people to Allah in knowledge, I and those who followed me. How holy is Allah, and I am not of the polytheists. "[Surah Yusuf, verse: 108]
I have been instructed to invite all Muslims and Khasis to Islam. Allaah says: "And there is a group among you who will call on goodness and order good and forbid evil; They are the successful. "[Surah Al-Imran, Ayat 104]

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Please deliver a verse from me" [Sahih Bukhari (3461)]

Calling to God is a great mission and responsibility of the guru. Because the invitation is to invite people to the worship of Allah, to bring them from darkness to light, to sow welfare in the place of evil, to replace hakka in place of vice. Therefore, the person who invites the need to have the qualities of knowledge, knowledge, patience, patience, tolerance, tenderness, kindness, renunciation of life, environment and situation and human behavior. Allaah says: "You invite people to the path of your Lord through wisdom and good wage and argue with them in the best way. Surely your Lord knows more about who has gone astray from His way, and He knows best who is on the right path. "[Surah Nahl, Ayat: 125]

Allah, in the following verse, mentions his blessings on his Messenger: "By the mercy of God you were kind to them; If you were harsh and hard-hearted, they would have moved away from you. So, forgive them and ask forgiveness for them and consult them in their work. "[Surah Al-Imran, Ayat 159]

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Some important versees from the holy Quran

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