No Risk AND No Reward: The Welfare State - Kaos1973

in welfarestate •  7 years ago 

Our society was built on risk and reward. Men are biologically designed to work. Women to have babies. We have redesigned our culture which has removed risk and destroyed reward. Men aren't working and women aren't having babies.

And we wonder why there is so much anger and depression, and the system feels like it's falling apart.
In the absence of negative consequences rules don't make sense.

Remember when you were told "Don't climb that. If you fall and hurt yourself - don't come running to me!"
That was the negative consequence of bad behaviour or decisions being imparted on you. That world doesn't exist anymore.

With a welfare state there is no risk or negative consequences for bad decisions or actions. Reward was necessary for men to push boundaries. The bigger the risk the bigger the potential reward. Now if you risk big and get a big reward the government will tax you back to poverty in order to fund the welfare state.

Women without the welfare state need a man to support them under the social contract of marriage. Men without the welfare state are free to push boundaries to improve society in order to attract a good wife. The single mother state IS the welfare state.

How many women would rather work 1 day every 3 years voting for more welfare over finding a husband to pay for a household and children?

How many men would rather work 1 day every 3 years voting for more welfare over finding a decent wife to start a family with?
With out risk and reward.

Without a sense of purpose we have an empty, hollow existence filled with shallow distractions and hedonistic pursuits.

moral roots.jpg

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