WellBe Coin is a cryptocurrency projected for rife and worldwide adoption by innumerable players in the planet of qualification and Sport. WellBe Coin will pull off this by promoting a system of self-financing and governance, absorbing, civilizing and via the for the most part innovative technologies in the prevention of Blockchain, plus the enormously far-reaching capabilities of Smart Contracts and unbounded scalability. It has a self-funded coffers system and will sooner or later convert into a smart grow smaller platform.WellBe bases its star and grow from the fire up and in the being to occur on a beefy and united community. A group of people that brings collected every one of the players in the form industry, from members to investors, counting clubs, suppliers, partners etc.
WellBe Coin is a self-funded cryptocurrency whose mental picture is to goad the heavy adoption of cryptocurrency in the ability and Sports industriousness globally.
WellBe Coin is self-financed by assets issues which allows the long-term promotion of the technological platform. The currency has one of the main allocation percentages in the business. This funding helps create a viable long-term brand that will cultivate the technology and the community
Combined with self-funding, a hot power mold allows WELB to avert pitfalls and intensify the successes of its predecessors by construction identity decisions that capitalize on scalability and energy group adoption.
Keen to promote an evenhanded and fixed crypto-currency ecosystem, WellBe Coin has select to fix an early Coin contribution (ICO) and pre-mine WELBs in buy to pledge a save nest egg on purpose to promise twelve-monthly augmentation of 15% of its creative value.
In supplement to WellBe Coin's functional Blockchain system and with the WELB which will be traded on 3 several exchanges, WellBe Coin's Blockchain increase set is operational on the enlargement of a Smart agree to Platform.
As of July 2021, 1 232 880 WELB will be complete on hand each one month and will be dispersed between the WELB Treasury, The WELB Bone, the Actors (teams of developers, marketing, security) and the Masternodes. The allocation of allowances will be as follows:
★ 40% to TRESOR WELB (including 10% for the FAS "Solidarity Aid Fund")
★ 10% WELB Bone
★ 10% WELB actors
★ 40% to Development (then to Masternodes from the creation of the WELL Blockchain)
As of July 2022, the number of WELB issued will decrease by 15% / year. Untill we reach the 250 000 000 WELB total supply.
Earn passive income using our V2 Platform, stake and get rewarded in BNB or USDT.
Total Supply- 250,000,000
Tokens For Presale- 4,300,000
Tokens For Liquidity- 1,290,000
Soft Cap- 300k$
Hard Cap- 500k$
Presale Rate- 0,12$
Pairs available : BNB/USDT/ETH
Minimum Contribution- 100WELB
Presale Start Time- 20.09.2021 16:00:00
Presale End Time- 30.11.2021 23:59:00
IndoEx Listing Rate- 0,17$
IndoEx Liquidity- 30%
Liquidity Unlock Date- 1 year
Q1 2021
Presentation of WELLBE to the partners chosen to launch this project (RESOFIT, FITNESS ACADEMIE)
Pre-development: The issuance of coins and allocations of various wallets such as the Treasury, as well as fundamental designs (Wallet, dApps, ICO, Airdrop)
Implementation of treasury systems and WellBe Coin Bone
Development begins in February 2021.
February 2021 online trials
End of February 20210 optimization and improvements of the technical and economic aspects of WellBe Coin
February 2021 launch of the first phase WellBe Coin Airdrop
Q2 2021April 2021 distribution of WELB rewards from the first Airdrop campaign
April 2021, launch of the ICO
April 2021 migration to Binance Smart Chain
May 2021 Salon du BodyFitness (presentation of the WellBe Coin to French Fitness actors)
June 2021 Implementation of the smart contract for STAKING
Q3 2021
End of the ICO on July 9, 2021,
The Stakers live! The rewards begin in August, approximately 7 months after launch to ensure fair distribution and give community members enough time to grow.
Creation of the Solidarity Aid Fund (FAS)
Airdrop 1st phase completed since April, 500,000 WELB distributed, more than 20,000 Internet users follow social media
Q4 2021
Creation of WELB V2, latest smart contract token and latest audited version (Unicrypt) of WELB
listing on WELB trading platforms at € 0.15 with an IEO in early October 2021
Phases 2 of the Airdrop start (October 2021) + ILO to create the Liquidity pools on Pancakeswap
WELB V2 end of development launch of the Defi Platform November 2021
Creation of the WELLBE application (in IOS / Android application) December 2021
Extend marketing efforts for more widespread adoption within clubs and among various players in the Fitness Industry. Target: rally the major franchises in the use of WELB as a means of payment in their structures.
2022 Q1 2022
Release of WellBe Coin V2, WellBe Coin perfectly compatible from the start with the Ethereum and BSC platform, allows the almost total exploitation of its capacities while integrating our Treasury, Staking, rewards and Re-investment systems. WellBe Coin V2 is the system update to make it even more secure before using WellBe Coin in "real life".
3rd phase of Airdrop February 2022
Creation of the WELB Wallet (WELLBE COIN wallet) January 2021
Development of a bank card dedicated to WELB like Metal Card
Q2 2022
Giga European marketing campaign for continent-wide adoption of WELB, ahead of the global launch.
At the end of 2022, WellBe Coin will develop its own Blockchain, and exit that of Binance Smart Chain in order to be fully autonomous and offer a large number of decentralized and perfectly secure services. Our development is not only on a global scale in the Fitness and Sports industry but also in other areas with the future creation of other Tokens based on BlockChain Well.
Release and provision of the first WellBe Coin Crystal Cards
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BEP20 Address: 0x150695861b04268B438886df46998DA450Ad9C97