I was banned on Bittrex. Banks and big tech companies are making special cities all around the world. Covid to End on the 31st of March of 2025 according to WorldBank.org.
February of 2021
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2021-02-07 - Sunday
Oatmeal Daily - 2021-02-07 - Sunday
I was banned on Bittrex
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.
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For more info, please visit Banned Video
Oatmeal English
Learn English You Can Eat: Communication is Fundamental
Understanding Hive
01:08 PM - I told her how manna works
In the screenshots and via that link above, you see it mention manna or Resource Credits (RC) which is based on how much Hive Power (HP) you have.
More HP means more RC which means you can post more.
In the screenshot it says recharged in 4 days.
When recharged, you can post and/or comment about 2 times total and then have to wait another 4 days before you can do that again.
But how much and how often you can post depends on how much HP you have.
I could try to help you put some of the money I gave you into HP.
Or I can help you try to send that money to Bittrex or other places so you can turn it into Bitcoin, dollar, etc, whatever you want.
You can wait for your HP to grow assuming you got enough upvotes.
After 7 days of posting something, then you are paid, assuming you got enough upvotes. Some of the money may go into HP, HBD, and Hive Coin, those three things.
Long story short, RC is not a fee. Instead, to use an analogy, RC is like a credit score.
I would encourage you to put 25 into HP and withdraw the other 25 to Bitcoin. Or I would put it all into HP.
I gave you 50. And you can do whatever you want with it. But according to your stats, you can only post 2 times every 4 days based on how much RC you have. You can see that via the link and the screenshots above. You can post more often if you have more HP. You can get more HP right now if you want or you can hope you get some in 7 days during payout of the 2 posts you already posted.
I can show you for example what I can do on my Hive:
I can show you for example what I can do on my Hive:
I have 795.336 HP
You have 0.000 HP
I have 0.284 HBD
You have 52.000 HBD
Because I have 795.336 HP, I can post 100+ comments/posts every day. My RC recharges I think daily now.
You can compare my stats with your stats in these screenshot photos as follows:
i want to teach you how to add HP and how to send money
i dont think you should send the money to bitcoin right now, but i can still teach you how to and you can do whatever you want
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General Shepherd
08:23 AM - ALEX JONES (Full Show) Saturday - 2/6/21 • (Emergency Report)
Banks and big tech companies are making special cities all around the world.
Covid to End on the 31st of March of 2025 according to WorldBank.org.
Bittrex Banned
And We Know
X22 Report
General Shepherd
Dear diary, got up at 8 AM. I walked over to my bank from the church. 1 guy walked by me wearing a mask, on the way back, a woman was not and smiled. I got like 746. But will keep at least 200 bucks in. So, I got to decide some things. Next week more coming possibly. Like 2 grand. Plus the 600 buck stimulus check which isn't appearing in my bank yet. Don't know what happened. Sunday School on Matthew 5. I mentioned depression being emotional distruption combined with emotional confusion. I also said prayer is a valuable act in the mist of emotions to help us be aware. I didn't mention that actors can be aware when acting. We have to be aware and process life. Sermon, we watched a video about evolution vs creation. Well, it focused on how hard it is to make life by chance. Good video. Fresh prince of bel air hello. So i sit in the kids corner. Communion. Dishes around 5 PM. Talked to mom about viruses and I asked where is Biden. We talked science, politics, and then there was this new 2021 show with Rylie. I mean the star of Girl Meets World. The show might have been timeless. But then we saw phones and computer pads. Reference to Greta which could be good or bad. Thanks My Leprechaun Princess. Sunny day today.
Food Log
Here is what I'm eating, drinking, consuming, digesting, my diet.
Breakfast: Coffee around 8 AM. Apple
Lunch: tomato on soup, 1 PM, 2 PM.
Dinner: more lunch soup around 8 PM, pretty good