American Pokeweed

in whalepower •  6 years ago 

American Pokeweed blooms from summer to early fall and this is the end result

Let's start from the beginning. Pokeweed blooms from summer to early fall and this is what the plant looked like as it began to bloom in mid August.

You will see small white flowers arranged in clusters which then turn into green berries.

Exactly one month later, the berries are ripening to a purplish-black color. Don't squish the berries because they have a red dye inside them. Many types of songbirds love to eat these berries, but beware because the berries and the parts of this plant that are tinged with red are poisonous to humans and livestock. In fact, it is best to avoid any plant that has red stems and branches.

Ten days later, one group of berries is completely ripe.

It took exactly two months for one cluster of white flowers to become completely ripe berries. Photos were taken from August 18th to October 18th.

Pokeweed is native to North America, it has many branches and can grow to be approximately 6 feet tall. It is invasive and not easy to get rid of, but at least the songbirds will be happy.

Thanks for stopping by!

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Image Source: All photos are my own.

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You wrote 'invasive' and now I'm imagining a pokeweed/sumac crossbreed.😨

Were the berries ever used as a dye for clothing or as ink? Also, do the birds sing the 'hokey pokey' after eating the berries? I imagine that would bring your cat to the window for a show. 😹

Hope that you're keeping warm my sweet friend. 🤗🤗🤗

A pokeweed/sumac crossbreed would be crazy! How about a pokeweed/sumac/ailanthus cossbreed? LOL! I just posted about the invasive weed tree called Ailanthus.

Yes, the berries were and still are used for fabric, yarn and ink. The magenta color in yarn fades in the light and the ink fades to brown. The birds doing the hokey pokey?!?! HAHA! You are a trip brisby! ROFLMAO!

It is snowing here. How about you? Do you have any snow in your neck of the woods? You stay warm too sweetie! : )

Thank you! 💜 I'm trying to keep warm but the weather is laughing at me.

I'm fairly certain that the pokeweed/sumac/ailanthus cossbreed would quickly take over the world, devouring roads and houses in it's need to spread from coast to coast. Upon reaching the ocean, it would probably hijack a cruise ship and sail to all of the continents to complete it's quest in domination. But, the birds and insects would probably think this was the tastiest plant ever and rejoice in celebration. 😂

We had enough snow here last Thursday to have the snow fighters perform their "Dance of the Slow Moving Plows" and shut down schools. Luckily, there's not been much since then (and I hope that it stays that way thank you very much).

Hope that you're having a lovely day, sweet friend! 🐦

OMG! I so love your imagination especially when it runs wild. HaHa!
I can just see the birds and insects partying. LOL!
Sorry you have slow dancers for the snow. Our plows are great. I just wish they would come down my hill driveway. 3 inches or more along with below freezing temps and my car (and me) don't move for a week.
Hope you are having a lovely day too, my dear sweet little squirrel. : )

WOW! Beautiful small WHITE flowers! The berries are also wonderful with bright red branches....

Nice photos and your information is very useful and interesting. Thanks for sharing. ;)

Of course you would notice these tiny white flowers. LOL! And I sure was surprised to get a WOW for them. : )
Thanks so much for making me smile, my dear sis! : ) : ) : )

It's my pleasure! As you know me well, WHITE flowers always make me say WOW.... Ha ha! ;D