What Is The Cost Of Listing An App in Google Play Store ?

in what-qa •  6 years ago 

Question: What Is The Cost Of Listing An App in Google Play Store ?

There are ideas in my head of apps I would like to be built on the Steem blockchain by developers who are tech savvy. I am just wondering how much it would cost to get an app listed on Google play store for Android users and then later Apple store for IOS users.

Posted on What Q&A - The Q&A App on the STEEM Blockchain

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$25 one time fees for play store registration
And $99/year for apple app store

This is the answer I need, exact figures. So altogether with less than $150 (~50 SBDs), one app would be registered on both play store snd apple app. Thanks a nillion, @lovkeshkumar. Keep Steemin' 😀.

I dont think its expensive. This is becasue I know a student that has listed an app in playstore. If its expensive he wouldnt.

Thank you, @turpsy. The comment of @lovkeshkumar corresponds with yours and with concrete figures.

If you put your app on the Google play store, it helps you earn with the help of Admob.

Oh really? It's interesting to know about Admob. Never knew about it until now. Isn't there an initial amount to pay in order to get your app listed? Thanks for your contribution, @mmasim.

Don't think so. My friends have listed some apps and Google pay instead.

Alright then. That's cool 😁.

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  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment