Bedcoin-The digital crypto institution that will share profits from with it s owners. Bedcoincryptocurrency will be backed by real value –real estate.
To enable Real Estate Global Investments & traveling Digitally -Bedcoin is here to revolutionize the Real Estate & Accommodation markets -making it easy for the world wide web surfers to join hands and venture in amazing groundbreaking real estate & accommodation investments
The core of Bedcoingravitates around shaping real estate and accommodation projects by the voice of the client and customer satisfaction levels.
With BEDCOIN Beds work for you
Use Trust Wallet Add Custom Token Select Bedcoin from list
BEDCOINS allows everyone to be a real estate investor
BEDCOIN Platform
Direct Democracy Voting
Invest in Real estate –BnbTokenization
Dividensearned from the real estate gets distributed to BEDCOIN owners using Ethereum.
Enable World Traveling using Bedcoins