What Is Prana (Breathe)? -Understanding the Flow of Prana (Life-Force Energy)

in what •  3 years ago 

What Is Prana (Breathe)?
Prana is the vital energy that supports all living beings in this universe. Pranayama is the regulation and control over this life force and energy. In Sanskrit, “pra” is a constant and “na” means movement. So, “prana” is the constant movement. Prana is the subtle energy that exists in each individual and is included in each and every cycle of breath. Whatever is manifested in the Universe is Prana, which is the total sum of all the energies. Dormant powers and forces lying in every individual are awakened with the help of pranic energy. Prana has connection with the human mind, will, individual consciousness and finally the universal consciousness. Once you learn how to control or regulate the pranic energy, you will know the secret behind this pranic force. Prana is the power behind personality, individuality, all the bodily functions that sustain life, and the pillar that powers the nervous system.

Different Types of Prana?
There are five pranas (Prana, Apana, Samana, Udana and Vyana ) that manage all functions of the body in each human being.
Each of these different pranas has its own role in the human body. Prana is also called the main prana, the controller and all others pranas are sub pranas. Heart is believed to be the seat of this prana. Apana resides in the anus. Samana prana is located in the navel. Udana prana is located in the throat. Vyana prana is spread throughout the body. By functions, Prana powers breathing, Apana regulates excretion, Samana affects digestion, Udana contributes to swallowing of food, and Vyana is responsible for blood circulation.


Nadis are the subtle channels that carry the life force (Prana) as mentioned above. There are 72000 Nadis in the human body and the most important among them are Ida and Pingala which are located on either side of the spine. Ida resides on the left side and Pingala on the right side. These two nadis carry the pranic force from the one end of the nadi to the other end. They can also be considered as subtle tubes that act as a vehicle for prana to move inside the human body. Ida nadi is related with the moon. Ida flows through left nostril and makes the body cool. Pingala nadi is related with sun. Pingala flows through the right nostril and makes the body hot.


It is believed that there are around 72000 nadis spread all over the human body. Among all these, Sushumna Nadi is the unique and the important nadi that carries the kundalini Shakti from the lower Chakra to, the higher center. The origin of all these nadis is from the region below the navel and just above the genital organs. Sushumna nadi is the channel or the pathway for awakening the kundalini energy. No other nadi is capable of carrying Kundalini to the higher levels. it is not possible to arouse Kundalini without awakening Sushumna Nadi.
Sushumna nadi is awakened through regular practice of Pranayama or tantric breathing techniques. Once this nadi is awakened, it is possible to bring the mind to single pointedness without any effort. It is said in ancient texts that only a small percentage of brain functions in the daily life. Almost one tenth of the whole brain function and the other is locked. The infinite knowledge, power and experience reside in this part.
When the sushumna nadi is awakened, it paves the way to spread the spiritual energy to all these dormant parts of the brain making it unlocked and active. This process bestows the man with good mental health and spirituality. Once the kundalini energy reaches the sahasrara Chakra through the sushumna nadi, the Tantric practitioner becomes the master of the whole.

More Characteristics of Sushumna Nadi.
• Ida is the representation of the mind or chitta; Pingala is the representation of Prana and finally the third and important nadi formed when two others are balanced is the Sushumna nadi, representing the soul or spirit or the Atman.
• A meditative state of the mind is achieved with the awakening of this nadi – sushumna. It is the culmination of all the processes practiced to achieve this state.
• Awakening of this nadi for reaching the highest consciousness.
• First is the awakening of kundalini, then the person enters the state of meditation, then the Samadhi state. All these are not possible without awakening this nadi.
• The most powerful flow is the flow of kundalini through the sushumna nadi that makes one non-physical, without any individuality and connection with the gross body. In other words, one experiences the all-pervading cosmic consciousness in a god-like state.
• Usually, sushumna is in a dormant state. Two other nadis – ida and pingala function in an alternative way. Once the sushumna is awakened, there is no need of any practice or effort to be in a meditative state, it is just a spontaneous and natural process. This is the path towards salvation.
• Sushumna is the central channel and is associated with the river Saraswati.

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