No Games With Bullshit YouTubeR - Voilà! It's The Magic Play Book | The Art of Frank Bacon's [BLOCK]N(CHAINS)

in whatisfrankbacon •  6 years ago  (edited)

Can we say Q? Someone pointed out that all of this is possible through transference. My team. My candidate. My hero. My god. My BrAND. Those with no understanding of what Freud and Jung (and many others) taught us about the psychology of transference are sitting ducks. Thanks for the jaw-dropping evidence of what so many write off as conspiracy 'theory.' ~crypticthinker


Customer Review 3.0 out of 5 stars - A PSYOP in the making

I sincerely appreciate FRANK taking the time to create this. He is a fascinating character in HIS story. He had to come to terms with what his BROTHERS ARE involved in. Fortunately, he is a pretty good guy from what I can tell. He struggles doing this, but the more he reviews the results of what is taking place, he'll realize he is doing what is right. ~Verified Purchaser


there it is; there you are.
"“Voila!” she said, producing a pair of strappy white RABBITS"
synonyms: look, ta-da, presto; More

Screen Shot 2018-05-06 at 7.41.17 PM.png

Tip 'HO The Hat to 18 year old Tinder Girls from Ethiopia


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When you talk about the art of deception, the first name that comes to mind is Goodman. As I watched another video of him again slamming this platform and grilling some Steemer on whether or not he knew you and Defango, the poor guy was out of his element when dealing with Goodman. He had come on the show to try to enlighten him on Steemit but in Goodman fashion the interview ended with the implication of Goodman taking the info he has gathered on Steemit to the FBI. He sure does involve the FBI a lot doesn't he? Is he an operative?
What I find so pathetic is someone who joins a platform like Steemit and starts down voting peoples content then cries because people in turn down vote his stuff.
He should appreciate the free advertisement he is getting by peoples posts. They do not make him look good, but I can imagine it does drive people to his show. He should say thank you not f you..

Well... I for one APPRECIATE all of HIS hard work...
that he's doing for me... Pro Bono... because he's an Idiot.

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