RE: What's Cooking Challenge - Pan Seared Salmon, Sweet Potato Hash and Roasted Cauliflower

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What's Cooking Challenge - Pan Seared Salmon, Sweet Potato Hash and Roasted Cauliflower

in whatscookingchallenge •  7 years ago 

Hahaha! I see the wine is starting to kick in! I hate it that you always get a head start on me! Damn time zones!

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TAG! you're IT! lol :)



LOL!!!! I think we may just be able to start a TREND here @rwedegis ;)


I love it!

Pretty fancy glass! I have to use cheap plastic ones because of the dogs! They even manage to break those every once in awhile!

Have a good night! Whatever you have left of it! You always make me smile!

We have an SA Afrikaans expression "maak nie saak nie" - it means "no fuss / it doesn't matter ;) (pronounced: Maak - emphasis on the A like you would say aaaaaah!" and same with "saak" :)

@traciyork - this gets added to your Afrikaans tutorials lol :)

That's awesome! @traciyork, now we can speak Afrikaan to each other when we get together. Hahaha!

Totally, Roger - in fact, we should go to Wally World & wander whilst we skiet die kak (psssst, @jaynie - is that the right way to say, "shoot the shit?" 😂)

That wouldn't be anything strange in Epping!!! LOL!

Hahahaha that will do darling.... lol 😁😂