The Diary Game 6 September 2020: Rainy weekend too

in wherein •  4 years ago 

Today morning turned up to be a sunny day, but already have plan to visit a site for customers discussion on a project. I also surprise he want to meet us on a sunday morning, maybe he wants to meet awhile after his brunch.

So breakfast not going out for food , but taken the bread we bought yesterday. But after wake up , the whatapps news from our group just keep giving me problem and headache.

The line guy sent me some real time monitoring system charts and asking me if got problem. First saw it was very frightening as this condition would make the product in big problem.

Had breakfast with workload on hand, not enjoying it at all. But gotta keep dial in company internal website to find out what went wrong, at least later while travelling to work , have some idea to instruct the line guys what to check and do.

During travelling, did observe the sky at the direction we are going were in cloudy mode, were feelling stress because yesterday already rained for whole day. Hopefully later wont rain and jeopardize our plan to meet up at site and do the calculation and measurement.

We are on time, but the customers said he need another 40min to reach.. People travel in private car also can be late... but people like us travel in public transport so on dot on time...

Little rain started while we were waiting, luckily it was not rain for that long then stop. At least when the customer come, he can walk freely without umbrella and shows us around what he wanted to do on the project.

It does not seem an easy case. His budget allocation is really small and only a simple plan can be proposed. Nevertheless, we think of back home discuss then only decide the next cause of action.

After site visit, Lunch we explored a new restaurant ! surprisingly a vegetarian restaurant was there in this mall and the price is comparable to those I ate at neighbourhood town. What a surprise !

It rained afterward and weather turned to be cold again.

So we decided to eat something heaty to warm ourselves, the best choice ? prata ! we had our all time favourite egg prata & plain prata! and topup the gravy 2 times, we like banjir style prata , super tasty and delicious and appetizing !

I would like to thank you for @steemitblog holding up the diary game challenge and @steemcurator01 @anroja giving generous upvote in promoting the steem community.

[WhereIn Android] (

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Hai @auleo, saya meminta maaf karena post anda tidak dapat kami kurasi lagi dengan akun @steemcurator08 karena post yang anda kirim melalui Wherein ini sudah menjadi otoritas Wherein yang melakukan kurasi (Wherein juga merupakan kurator komunitas Steemit seperti kami).

  ·  4 years ago 

Tkasih maklum. Saya tidak tahu perkara ini

Mohon maaf, supaya tidak timpang tindih dalam memberikan upvote, dan kami dapat memanfaatkan untuk steemian lainnya.

This post has been rewarded by the Steem Community Curation Project #wherein 我是谁?你又是谁?!我为什么会在这里?你加了cnsteem 没?!

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[WhereIn Android] (

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You win!!!! 你赢了! 给你1枚SHOP币!

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