#thediarygame 200815 | Saturday

in wherein •  5 years ago 

Was having a conversation with @futuremind regarding my injured hand. yup, he refers that as my paw 😂

After several days, it appears recovering. its still pain, but the ruptured skin is slowly healing. The swell become somewhat manageable, but still I couldn't close the fingers together. I had to use another hand to apply force and clamp them together, even that I will feel pain.

The day began with a short run at the East lake, and I had to quickly call it off because I have an early appointment by 8am. By the time I got home, figured there's something a wrong with my #drugwars game. Not entirely sure what had got into it, but somehow all my resources become negative value. Amy idea how that happen? Funnily, it's normal on my other computer.

The day went past with very little concern about work or blogging as I was stuck at home doing chores, cleaning the house. By the time I realized, the sun is already setting. We proceed to my in law house, and here's the crazy combination of spiral pasta with curry rendang beef, tofu and egg. What a fusion.

[WhereIn Android] (http://www.wherein.io)

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Please follow the rules and guideline from steemit blog
1000 DAYS OF STEEM : Day 14 - The Diary Game Season 2 - FINAL Rules & Guidelines
The mistakes in your post are:

Write a minimum of 300 words. You wrote 194 words. Will try to write more next time.

interesting upvote @steemcurator01,
hey I produce original content! ;)
Is it worthy?????????

He did not post according to the rules of steemitblog. He has to write at least 300 words. He did not do that.

And so your comment deserves an upvote from 01, but his post does not, you fucking fool? How many words were your comment? you fucking idiot abuser?

Hey @steemcurator01, is this one of your abusive curators?

Isn't it a bit funny, that his notice of 'not enough words' warrants an upvote from 01????? hmmmm not fishy all....
Hmmmm "you didn't say enough, but me telling you warrants an upvote from the account saying so.......with...............only a few words".......hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm lets thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

@steemcurator01, rectify this bullshit hypocrisy

I will downvote you until you reward this man with 01

@futuremind - please stop this abusive behavior. @touiq777 is one of our Country Representives fulfilling one of his roles of highlighting Diary Game posts that are not meeting the rules of the game.

See our comment on your latest post for more details.

The Steemit Team

Fire this dirt bag @steemcurator01
I will expose him for this dirt bag move until you do so.
Want a morally drive curator? "cough cough"..............

@steemitblog, fire him... take it from an organic 70 rep, or don't.
If my current post doesn't reach 1.00 I quit, so I don't care too much at this point, because a long time user cant even make a dollar, while you pay morally defunct people like this clear cut piece of dog shit. I am qualified, (FOR THIS ABUSED POSITION) and perceptive hire me PERMANENT, AND YOU WILL DEAL WITH LESS DOG SHIT LIKE THIS............

he's an abusive turd, didn't even justify his 4 dollar comment... a comment tailored to tell someone what they did wrong.... really think about that STEEMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love people, and I am not so disembodied to empathy as to not have some perceptive conciousness... was his actions appropriate??? Really think about what happened here... and call me an asshole if you wish, but DO NOT IGNORE, the facts...
Do not ignore what this dirt bag pulled.
Either way, I have one foot out the door, and I have had enough. This situation will be rectified, or you will lose one of your most deciated users. Mark my words. Give me an upvote for my recent work, recitify this bullshit, or lose me... I am a smart man and will succeeed elsewhere.. this is my last ditch effort. I am done with the bulshit,fix it or don't. I am done if this does not get fixed. I want @davidke20 rewarded by 01. on this post.

@steemcurator01, you are being called out for hypocrisy, rectify

@steemcurator01, @steemitblog, I will call this out UNTIL YOU REWARD THIS MAN FOR HIS DEDICATION TO STEEM



Downvoted for being a piece of dogshit. I'm just getting started with you, dog turd;)

Great to know how high you are rewarded for a simple notice #BULLSHIT

If that doesn't draw the required attention, I'll downvote you until I have no DV power left ;) dirt bag ;)))

I wish to extend an apology to @toufiq777,
My treatment towards you was deplorable, and nothing justifies it. I was not in a clear state of mind. I am sorry sir.

I wish to extend an apology to @davidke20,
for causing this drama on your blog. You are a good friend, and this was very uncalled for on my behalf. I am sorry David.

I wish to extend an apology to the Steemit team/ @steemcurator01,
My behavior was very wrong and out of control. I am sorry Steemit team.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Get better and well ☺️

Es bueno en la mañana realizar ejercicio y esa desayuno se ve muy suculento. Saludos desde Venezuela.


Gracias por tu comentario. Ojalá pudiera escribir en español. Únase a nosotros en # where-esp encontrará aún más gente buena con la que interactuar. @sampraise

#wherein #wherein-esp


  ·  5 years ago 




吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~


Hola @rosanita, muchos venezolanos en la plataforma Steem estamos disfrutando de la aplicación WhereIn, y nos ha gustado bastante, sobre todo por el apoyo que hemos recibido solo por publicar lo que nos gusta hacer día a dia, así que te invito a descargar y usar la aplicación WhereIn dónde podrás publicar contenido sobre tu estilo de vida a través de su aplicación fácil de usar, esta basada en la Blockchain Steem y la comunidad Española está creciendo. Para más información visita está publicacion:


Saludos y Éxitos, no dudes en escribirme para cualquier asesoría


Your posts are not reaching the minimum 300 words to qualify as valid entries for The Diary Game.

The Steemit Team

heaven forbid you give a dedicated Steemian an upvote beause he failed to come short of a few words...
That's not bullshit at all... no... let him know that he failed, and don't give him anything... You guys are a class act.

Calm down buddy. Not a big deal. Short is short, I will accept that. Please take a break and chill first. I tried to reach you, but your discord has blocked me.


[WhereIn Android] (http://www.wherein.io)


  ·  5 years ago 




吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~



  ·  5 years ago 

You lose! 你输了!乖乖的给我点赞吧!


  ·  5 years ago 

You win!!!! 你赢了!愿赌服输! 给你1枚SHOP币!

You're doing too much stuff with your paw because you are stubborn :P

  ·  5 years ago 

抽烟的手 烫了哥疤

[WhereIn Android] (http://www.wherein.io)

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Downvoted for abusive language.