The Diary Game 3/7/2020

in wherein •  5 years ago 

i had join foxconn 2 days.
today we are go to learning energy saved.
i wake up at 5h30 am and go to company at 6h30 am. i have breakfast in kitchens Company.

after eat. we are concentrate in room class and learning energy saved of foxconn

Learned, we are go to eat lunch

image 3: fish big and delicious

i comeback motel room at 17h00pm. and clean room and take a shower

[WhereIn Android] (

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looks like you're having loads of fun at foxxcon

[WhereIn Android] (

fun after work. it is good 😆😆

[WhereIn Android] (

  ·  5 years ago 

lunch provided free to all employees ?

[WhereIn Android] (

yes, support employees eat lunch with 50$ per month

[WhereIn Android] (

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