My Little Champ! ❤️

in wherein •  5 years ago 

We are at this journey again. Unexplainable abdominal discomfort which called for tube-feeding because the little one cannot eat nor drink. He felt painful. Doctor may know why but also knows certain information doesn't need to be conveyed to the patient.

We were at Gastro Clinic today, such long tiring day because the hospital is not near from where we stay. 45 minutes drive if no traffic jam.

As usual, pain management is the best doctor can advise at the moment. His condition is not death-threatening till need surgery unless he starts to vomit green stuff.

Children with health issue are stronger than we think. This is what people tell me, in a way to encourage me to not lose hope. Of course losing hope is not the way. My son has taught me resilience and joy in the midst of pain.

He was alright yesterday night, painful but still could smile. Today was a rough day. Painful and needed to lie down. He was trying his best to forbear the long wait at hospital today. Such an understanding and cooperative boy.

You are my Champion CDH survivor. 加油吧!


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love and hugs goes to the little one. @tipu curate !shop !trdo

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