The Shopping Game: Shopping July 26, 2020

in wherein •  5 years ago 

These were the things you bought that I made this Sunday morning, after making some arepas and seeing that there was no filling, only butter, so I went out to buy an egg carton that was already needed and other things, I had time without being able to consume that food that has a lot of protein so I ate my mouth lid and left the house.

I went first to the cheese factory, this time they did not want to give me the ticket because they had little paper left, there I bought about 430 grams of white cheese that cost me 289,000.00 Bsf

Immediately I went and I bought in the supply of the Chinese that is 2 and a half blocks from my house and that the point of sale that they use is from a spare parts store, there I bought 2 kilos of sugar, a rice and now a flour Juana . The rice cost me 219,000.00 Bsf, the flour cost me 210,000.00 Bsf and the 2 kilos of sugar cost me 215,000.00 Bsf each.

Almost arriving at the house, next to the Centella Automercado there is a small winery that they opened not long ago, there I went to buy the eggs because they are cheaper, I stopped there and bought the egg carton that cost me 500,000.00 Bsf and I took advantage of buying 2 additional sugar for some cakes that my wife is going to make. I got the cheapest sugar in this place, it cost me 210,000.00 Bsf each. here the point of sale does not give tikect.

The total of my purchases for this Friday, July 26 was:

Bolivares: 2.068.000,00 Bsf

Dollars: $ 7,86 $

Steem: 37,80 STEEM

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Nice shopping from you my friend. All are very healthy and essential for our needs.

Hear we don't of cheese factory near by my area, so we buy processing and already packed cheese my friend.

You are very lucky you having factory nearby your home so possible to buy fresh cheese always.

Enjoy your day. Thanks for sharing hear.

Thanks friend, they actually bring cheese from a town called Carora from here in Lara State. But it is very cool.

Oh OK. Have a nice day ahead


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Que genial me encanta ver tu blog porque me recuerda mis días en Venezuela que había que recorrer todo Barquisimeto para comprar todo lo necesario para la semana , y también ir de tienda en tienda buscando la economía y la calidad a pesar de todo extraño Venezuela se que todo pasara 🙏

Hay Bianca, aquí es la locura con la gente en la calle, y bueno sabes que se compra lo que se consigue y alcance 😄

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hello! :) it would be much more convenient to buy everything in one place :) but you could take a walk :))) I hope to see your wife's cakes :) for example, in the new season of the diaries game :)

Hello @knopka145 😄 well I would love to, but here the stores stopped selling vegetables, sausages and dairy products and were limited to non-perishable food, before the crisis in Venezuela you went to the supply and you got everything! Even in the biggest you even found household appliances. But it is no longer possible to see such a store, or at least it is not so easy.

@ sampraiseThe eggs are bigger here than over there and things are costly over there .A bag of rice here #22000 which equivalent to $54, a bag of flour cost #20000 which is equivalent to $49 and a crate of egg here is #1200 approximately $3. Your shopping was superb but expensive. Enjoy

Buena compra con solo el cartón de huevo se hacen muchas cosas sabrosas

[WhereIn Android] (

Jajaja si, tortillas, ensalada, sopa, revoltijos, suspiros, etc...

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🎵🎶 I'm grateful for this 😅🎊🤗